Owning a car in Sonora just became more expensive


In Sonora circulating around 750,000 vehicles registered at the Ministry of Finance, of which 180,000 are within the charge of the

December 20, 2012
In Sonora circulating around 750,000 vehicles registered at the Ministry of Finance, of which 180,000 are within the charge of the Contribution to Municipal Building, the remaining 570,000 will only pay your car license plate renewal, Encinas said Gerardo Urquidez.

Undersecretary of Revenue, Ministry of Finance said that 23% of registered vehicles enter, while 77% do not pay.

"Definitely the standard vehicle of Sonora is an old standard, only 23% is new, if you could say new vehicles to 10 years.

"The catchment between this concept will be distributed to municipalities in proportion stipulated by law, regardless if paid eg Tubutama few cars and many in Hermosillo, the distribution will be in the proportion that already has," he said.

This seeks to 180,000 vehicles contribute to the entire population of all the State see benefits in each of their communities, Encinas said Urquidez.

According to the table of depreciation cost of the car and the update factor will have to pay the tax.

To this must be added the payment of 571 pesos for revalidation of plates, but it increases to 15% of CEPA (same contribution was unchanged), 15% for universities (last year was 10%) and 15% for education infrastructure (lien did not exist), which are 85 pesos each to reach 826.

To this was added 100 pesos for the registration certificate (new tax), ie every car owner will have to pay 926 pesos in your revalidation.

That is, will be 926 pesos, which all car owners have to pay, plus the amount of the tax to the Contribution to Municipal Strengthening if your vehicle is a 2004 model 2013.

If the car is imported or have to make other moves as license renewal, voluntary contributions and expenditures in fines, among others, could increase the cost for each person.

To support citizens in www.sonorensecumplido.gob.mx will have a table to see how much you pay for the car, only have to put the vehicle model and the cost thereof VAT.

"And starting in January will come to every vehicle owner your statement with your details and vehicle and also exactly what you'll pay, that for people who program.

"We also have the usual facilities, six months interest, which can pay, the pay period is from January to March, the advantage is that come due before the sweepstakes, we will now have the fourth draw Comply is Winning" reported.

About that people can go to register your car in other states like Sinaloa, Baja California and Chihuahua, Encinas Urquidez said to do, but you need to check an address in the State where they will register your car.

"At first they would have to go find a home that is not theirs and they also have to figure out well because in Sinaloa for example, there are certain factors that pay some details, but also must unsubscribe here.

"And of course any move you have to do have to go to move there," he explained, "an example, if you go with your family in that car and transit stops you here in Sonora force you to pay the fine at the time and I would remove time there at the time, are details that have to think. "

Urquidez Encinas said there are also costs of revalidation, Chihuahua gives as an example that does not have a similar tax, but it handles a high cost for the concept of revalidation of about 9000 pesos.

For people who wish to rely, Undersecretary of Revenue said the defense always exists, but it is expensive and also for that too "shielded" the law.

"The defense is always there, but it is also expensive and on the other hand we also, of course we did our job and those details will not be fair of us to make exceptions to be 'reinforced' the law and do our job to 'shield' a law.

"More than that already existed at the time was exceeded, we return the same, but at the time we remove the elements that could cause people could rely, we are satisfied with, first invite people that think good and equal protection is the staff and the time when it makes the process and the judges will have to define, but we are confident that it is a tax that already existed and we know what it is, "he said.

Posted by ZETA MIL 10:38


AKA Carnac
Same may come true about buying a house

Also talk about raising the transfer tax to 3% on properties. The buyer pays this tax.


add to that the 20 dollar toll from Caborca to Santa Ana...the new govenor is a piece of work.......note that he doesn't raise the Sonoran take from the big mining companies...my geologist friend says Sonora just gives it's minerals away compared to other locations if the right palm is greased...usually in the form of employing relatives


Lovin it in RP!
At 940 pesos for renewal my cars are still cheaper to register here than they ever were in AZ. One thing that has me though is how to register a home built trailer....


I think the state would garner more income if they REDUCED the costs and made it easier to import and register a vehicle. Increasing costs makes a system where those of lower incomes are encouraged to not pay anything and take a chance. It's an example of the State seeing the citizenry as a source of income rather than as the reason for government's existance.
So- is anybody selling a car? Looking to spend less than $2000 US, and a Sonoran lic woud be best but not a deal breaker...