you guys are saying Joe acted out because he uses a walker to get around while he rehabs.
That is NOT so...
That is nothing more than YOUR interpretation of what you think I MEANT.... but it has nothing to do with reality.
NOBODY said that, and in my own case, I never implied it, nor did I ever even think it.
Your mind reading skills SUCK, Jerry... I'm sorry to have to be the one to break this news to you.
Larry asked why people seem to treat Joe differently, and I made an observation about human behavior (in general) towards people with physical differences. You did not challenge the basis of my premise- instead you tried to make it out like I was objectifying Joe over the condition of his legs- and to that, all I can say is that you clearly don't understand me. I have NEVER treated ANYONE with less human dignity because of their appearance, race, physical ability, or even their freaking baldness.
The condition of Joe's legs (and the existence of his walker) are NOT reasonable excuses for his sometimes poor social behavior in the forum.
In fact, these two conditions are totally IRRELEVANT and unrelated.
I have no idea why YOU decided to try and make it look like they are relevant... actually- scratch that- I think I do know why. It's because (I think) you like to gravitate toward drama like a 13 year old girl.
Mexico Joe- If/when you read this, I hope that if/when we ever meet in RP, that we will shake hands and talk about fishing, golf, DIY bait tank design, and girls in bikinis.... you know, the kind of stuff MEN talk about, and not:
"He said, and then I said, and she's all, so I'm all, and then Jerry came in and he's like... totally lame... what----everrrrrrr"
God, I HATE Jersey Shore.