Stuart help for the site


Stay Thirsty My Friends
The silent dog whisperers on this web site crack me up.You can't say come right out and say what you think...because it is hateful. Todays example Fake concern about Joe's physical state when you really want to say "screw you cripple"
Who do you refer too?

Who expressed any sense of care or concern about Joe's physical condition?

Your self-righteousness may be at elevated levels again - It seems to have you believing that you can read minds and see what other people "really want to say" ....

You might want to get that checked out by your other buddy (you know- the Mirador Meter Maid)... :rofl:


You....but hey you were just protecting a tribal elder by firing a shot at Joe by slinging some bs psychoanalytical explanation of why Joe struck out at poor Bill .Joe fired that initial shot at Bill because he smelled BS in the tone of Bill's concern trolling thread.Bill knew Happy was banned and most likely was posting this thread after talking to one or both of the exiles.He was sort of causing trouble.

Who do you refer too?

Who expressed any sense of care or concern about Joe's physical condition?

Your self-righteousness may be at elevated levels again - It seems to have you believing that you can read minds and see what other people "really want to say" ....

You might want to get that checked out by your other buddy (you know- the Mirador Meter Maid)... :rofl:


El Pirata
Exactly, Bill was brain washed or lite up by fish fry crew. He never had the courage to post before, and as a matter of fact Bill was the first to unleash Happy on us, OH and BTH Bill is very good at starting these threads and running off for help to jeepers.
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
You....but hey you were just protecting a tribal elder by firing a shot at Joe by slinging some bs psychoanalytical explanation of why Joe struck out at poor Bill .Joe fired that initial shot at Bill because he smelled BS in the tone of Bill's concern trolling thread.Bill knew Happy was banned and most likely was posting this thread after talking to one or both of the exiles.He was sort of causing trouble.
A tribal elder...? what in the HELL are you talking about?

This whole thing started when Bill welcomed a new guy to the fishing forum, and Joe decided that he had to be Bill's self-appointed "editor" and tore into him about it.

Bill does some thing (or things) that bug Joe... I get it. But Christ, why be so petty as to call people out when they bother you? It's juvenile.

and hey- Joe may be physically challenged, but at least he isn't an effing mental retard, like HIS "tribal elders"...

"Hey- remember that time, when that guy said that thing, and it pissed off that girl, and so she ran off and told that other dude to kick his ass...? "



Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Exactly, Bill was brain washed or lite up by fish fry crew. He never had the courage to post before, and as a matter of fact Bill was the first to unleash Happy on us, OH and BTH Bill is very good at starting these threads and running off for help to jeepers.
What the hell are you talking about, Abel? Are you trying to get deleted?


Why would you have brought up Joe's current physical state in the first place? The answer is you were causing trouble because you like causing trouble.Bill started the thread to cause trouble,Joe smacked him around to cause trouble,Rplarry joined in because he loves trouble too.I joined the fray to back joe and more importantly to cause trouble for Larry and Mr. Moore.Perro of course had to cause trouble and even Dry heat wanted a piece of this scramble...amazingly Kenny stayed out of it...must be his new Free mason training RPJoe is strangly quiet for a troublemakers trouble maker too
A tribal elder...? what in the HELL are you talking about?

This whole thing started when Bill welcomed a new guy to the fishing forum, and Joe decided that he had to be Bill's self-appointed "editor" and tore into him about it.

Bill does some thing (or things) that bug Joe... I get it. But Christ, why be so petty as to call people out when they bother you? It's juvenile.

and hey- Joe may be physically challenged, but at least he isn't an effing mental retard, like HIS "tribal elders"...

"Hey- remember that time, when that guy said that thing, and it pissed off that girl, and so she ran off and told that other dude to kick his ass...? "



amazingly Kenny stayed out of it...must be his new Free mason training RPJoe is strangly quiet for a troublemakers trouble maker too
What, are you asleep at the wheel or what?.. Below was on page 2 #15, it may be a to little passive aggressive, but still. LOL

think more than a few of us would miss our fiery friend Bill, so "Don't worry, be Happy". It's really not a hanging offense now is it?



I find it unbelievable how easy you guys go on Joe. What is the favoritism ?? Occasionally he posts something with common sense and worthwhile but it is ridiculous how many times he posts absolute HATE and RAGE and VULGARITY and VENOM without any rebuttal . Why is Joe protected when others who post such profanity and hate and they get banned?? (which is appropriate ! ) I think I know why, but that is no excuse.

Jerry, it's a little more than "getting frustrated as old men yelling at clouds".

While some comments can elicit some "gray", Joe can be very "black & white" with his nasty diatribe at times. Vulgarity on Joe's part is probably an understatement.

I know, this probably will not the most popular post because Joe does get some weird protection from the forum, but it is TRUE !!!!! He is a loose cannon. Just go back and read his nasty ramblings. In fact, they remind me a little of when Jerry came back on his HIGH-HORSE (no pun intended) form Amsterdam and found himself thrown in the slammer (banned from the forum) in no time.

I don't care what they say, I still think you must be a girl.:crybaby:


Kenny he sort of sounds like "the church lady" on SNL... I think Medical Marijuana might help him be a better person


I'm thinking the private messages that Stuart gets are a bigger pain in the butt for him than whats posted out here in the light, and by a large margin.
The four Covina? LOL
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
Why would you have brought up Joe's current physical state in the first place? The answer is you were causing trouble because you like causing trouble.
I brought it up for the same reason I often bring up my own baldness (or arrogance) or Stuart's tallness, or yours and Playa's frequent, girlish drama queen acts...

Joe's walker does NOT define him - it is an ATTRIBUTE of his being.

His walker is irrelevant, quite frankly.

Larry asked a question:

I find it unbelievable how easy you guys go on Joe. What is the favoritism ?? ..... I think I know why, but that is no excuse
What I made was a PERSONAL OBSERVATION in response:

People often tip-toe on eggshells when dealing with persons who have physical disabilities

Now, what exactly about my observation offended you so?

Or, are you going to challenge the premise of my statement that some (many?) people act differently around physically different people?

I think neither is the case- I think what you REALLY wanted to do is exactly what you did- focus on me, jump on your high-horse, and then try to demonstrate to the world that you are a morally superior person - Same thing you always do.

You see, this isn't about Joe, and it isn't about Bill - it's about JERRY's need to be the ethics and morality police, and to make sure that there is fairness and equality in the world, 24x7...

You have more hair than me.... how come you never come to MY defense when people make fun of my baldness....?


Baldness wise we are pretty much a guys are saying Joe acted out because he uses a walker to get around while he rehabs.In reality all he did was throw a spitball at that clever old fox Bill. Bill is the problem here not Joe...he was causing trouble.If i had a high horse he would be crapping in your boat right now...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
you guys are saying Joe acted out because he uses a walker to get around while he rehabs.
That is NOT so...

That is nothing more than YOUR interpretation of what you think I MEANT.... but it has nothing to do with reality.

NOBODY said that, and in my own case, I never implied it, nor did I ever even think it.

Your mind reading skills SUCK, Jerry... I'm sorry to have to be the one to break this news to you.

Larry asked why people seem to treat Joe differently, and I made an observation about human behavior (in general) towards people with physical differences. You did not challenge the basis of my premise- instead you tried to make it out like I was objectifying Joe over the condition of his legs- and to that, all I can say is that you clearly don't understand me. I have NEVER treated ANYONE with less human dignity because of their appearance, race, physical ability, or even their freaking baldness.

The condition of Joe's legs (and the existence of his walker) are NOT reasonable excuses for his sometimes poor social behavior in the forum.

In fact, these two conditions are totally IRRELEVANT and unrelated.

I have no idea why YOU decided to try and make it look like they are relevant... actually- scratch that- I think I do know why. It's because (I think) you like to gravitate toward drama like a 13 year old girl.

Mexico Joe- If/when you read this, I hope that if/when we ever meet in RP, that we will shake hands and talk about fishing, golf, DIY bait tank design, and girls in bikinis.... you know, the kind of stuff MEN talk about, and not:

"He said, and then I said, and she's all, so I'm all, and then Jerry came in and he's like... totally lame... what----everrrrrrr"

God, I HATE Jersey Shore.

Terry C

A little boy was excited about his first day at school. So excited in fact, that only a few minutes after class started, he realized that he desperately needed to go to the bathroom. So he raised his hand politely to ask if he could be excused. Of course the teacher said yes, but asked him to be quick. Five minutes later he returned, looking more desperate and embarrassed. "I can't find it", he admitted. The teacher sat him down and drew him a little diagram to where he should go and asked him if he will be able to find it now. The boy looked at the diagram, said "yes" and goes on his way. Five minutes later he returned to the class room and says to the teacher "I can't find it". Frustrated, the teacher asked Jon, a boy who has been at the school for awhile, to help him find the bathroom. So two fellas go together and five minutes later they both return and sit down at their seats. The teacher asks Jon, "Well, did you find it?" Jon is quick with his reply: "Oh sure, he just had his boxer shorts on backwards"


hey i want to go on the boat too...and return....
That is NOT so...

That is nothing more than YOUR interpretation of what you think I MEANT.... but it has nothing to do with reality.

NOBODY said that, and in my own case, I never implied it, nor did I ever even think it.

Your mind reading skills SUCK, Jerry... I'm sorry to have to be the one to break this news to you.

Larry asked why people seem to treat Joe differently, and I made an observation about human behavior (in general) towards people with physical differences. You did not challenge the basis of my premise- instead you tried to make it out like I was objectifying Joe over the condition of his legs- and to that, all I can say is that you clearly don't understand me. I have NEVER treated ANYONE with less human dignity because of their appearance, race, physical ability, or even their freaking baldness.

The condition of Joe's legs (and the existence of his walker) are NOT reasonable excuses for his sometimes poor social behavior in the forum.

In fact, these two conditions are totally IRRELEVANT and unrelated.

I have no idea why YOU decided to try and make it look like they are relevant... actually- scratch that- I think I do know why. It's because (I think) you like to gravitate toward drama like a 13 year old girl.

Mexico Joe- If/when you read this, I hope that if/when we ever meet in RP, that we will shake hands and talk about fishing, golf, DIY bait tank design, and girls in bikinis.... you know, the kind of stuff MEN talk about, and not:

"He said, and then I said, and she's all, so I'm all, and then Jerry came in and he's like... totally lame... what----everrrrrrr"

God, I HATE Jersey Shore.


Just a simple observation but it appears that those who fish or frequent the fishing forum (and actually have a take) have a more laid back personality and make a hell of a lot more sense and less desire to stir up ****. Except for good ole Happy. I think he just liked getting out and stroking his pole. Nonetheless, fish more, enjoy good food & drink and enjoy the company of others.