I find it unbelievable how easy you guys go on Joe. What is the favoritism ?? Occasionally he posts something with common sense and worthwhile but it is ridiculous how many times he posts absolute HATE and RAGE and VULGARITY and VENOM without any rebuttal . Why is Joe protected when others who post such profanity and hate and they get banned?? (which is appropriate ! ) I think I know why, but that is no excuse.
People often tip-toe on eggshells when dealing with persons who have physical disabilities (although I doubt Joe expects any particular form of sympathy or special treatment).
But- you also have to keep in mind that much of Joe's "energy" is merely youthful pride and exuberance finding an often "unpolished" method of expression. :ugeek:
I have no idea why Joe has zeroed in so nastily on Bill, But if I know Bill well enough, I'm sure he's not losing any sleep over Joe's "disapproval" of his social mannerisms in the forum. :wink: I echo the sentiments of others here- Bill and Edna are great folks.
Funny thing is that Joe has mentioned on a couple occasions how he wished he could fish some of the more remote beaches, but can't do so unless he has help launching his kayak - and Bill Hale is the kind of guy that would probably lend that helping hand, if asked.
Funny how the bridges we sometimes choose to burn are the ones that lead to the destinations we dream of going... pure irony.
We all understand that there are people who aggravate us... that's simply a reality that goes with being human.
Joe simply needs to consider the fact that lashing out at people who bug you does about as much social good as pissing into the wind.