Stuart help for the site


I'd say one of the reasons for declining posts is that there just isn't all the much going on in Rocky Pt. much of the time, especially at this time of year. It's a small town.

Losing Seadweller didn't help. He was a local who knew a lot about what was going on. I think he quit posting after someone got obnoxious with him, but I never really got the story.

I only get down to Rocky Point and surrounding area about once a year, mainly because I can't get others to go with me more often than that. But the place is often in my mind, and I check the forum at least a couple of times a day. Some posts are garbage, but some are entertaining, and I get a lot of useful information that helps me enjoy my visits there more.

I'm a regular visitor to four other forums, two for hunting, one for trout fishing and one for bass/crappie fishing. I occasionally visit other forums. I have noticed that there's a bit more belligerence and quarreling among the regulars on this forum compared to the others. I don't know why.


Seadweler should come back.He got in the middle of the political stuff and had thin skin.If you dish it out you should be ready to take it.Way different that the poor guy with the lost dog Happy taunted...what a jerk move


You mean like when the guy asked where it was good to fish from shore and what to expect to catch because he was going to be here in late December into January and you replied come over for Thanksgiving dinner, PDO #52 ???????????????????????????????? Ill start taking you seriously when you spell SURVIVE correctly, thank you!
I appreciated his invite and will go introduce myself when I arrive!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Bill and Edna Hale are two of the most wonderful people you will ever meet! They help with all our charity things that we do in Rocky Point. Bill makes a wonderful fish fry with his tempura batter! I can't wait to go back to one of their wonderful dinners! They are quality people and I am proud to be their friend!


Seadweler should come back.He got in the middle of the political stuff and had thin skin.If you dish it out you should be ready to take it.
It's my opinion that political stuff on this type of forum is best kept to a minimum. It's hard to avoid it completely since the war on drugs, illegal immigration and cultural aspects of the U.S. and Mexico have impacts on Rocky Point and the border in general, but the less the better. I don't come here for political debates or discussions. If I'm learning about the local fishing and marine life, or local color and history in the northern Sea of Cortez, or the best place to buy seafood or tortillas, I don't care whether I'm getting it from a tea party activist or a socialist. Appreciation of the Sea of Cortez experience and Mexican culture should be the common glue that holds this forum's community together and obviates other differences we might have as individuals.

It's not that I don't have strong opinions. It took me a while (maybe 30 years), but I finally realized that most people don't want my help in improving their minds. Right or wrong, they've established their own subjective realities that they're comfortable with and would just like to be left alone to believe in them. I don't enjoy discussing (arguing) with people who aren't even hearing me. I also realize that there probably isn't a soul on Earth who doesn't hold some opinion on some subject that is radically at odds with my own. So if shared knowledge and enjoyment of the northern Sea of Cortez is my goal, why post remarks that can interfere with that?


I'm involved in many forums for motorcycles, motorhomes/RV, guns and fishing. The same people that are giving you helpful advice in the technical posts then turn around and cast aspersions on your parentage in a political post. It has to do with the anonymity of the web I think because I'm pretty sure nobody would talk that kind of sh*t to my face (6'4" 280 pounds). But I digress.

My gun forum has "watercooler" section where anything goes. However, you must have 50 posts to participate. That seems to work well, but you can't be easily butthurt as it is dominated by the wackiest of the right wing whack-jobs. You go in there and have an opposing viewpoint you will be crushed. Not cool. Not fair. But it is a private site and if you don't like it you can leave. ALL of the other forums I participate in have a strict no politics policy and any infighting is dealt with quickly. Your post is removed and you are warned via PM. If you fail to heed said warning you are banned.

If it is not dealt with, it will kill the forum.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
ALL of the other forums I participate in have a strict no politics policy and any infighting is dealt with quickly. Your post is removed and you are warned via PM. If you fail to heed said warning you are banned.

If it is not dealt with, it will kill the forum.
Same here. It's why we have Rants and Raves and why it is now only by requested access. It took a long time to reign in the political bull crap. The couple of other forums I'm involved with are the same.


Also we should remember that this is a free forum supported and maintained by Tyler, Stuart and Jeeps. I hope the members can do a better job of policing themselves and not trying to police each other. Please stop pouring gasoline on every detected spark !! To quote a common comment from an old TV show "Stifle yourself" (who was it?).


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Agree on the program but I thought it was HIM not HER ??
Archie Bunker is the "him" you're looking for. The show was "All in the Family." And the "stifle yourself..." phrase was most commonly followed by the word I posted and directed at his wife, Edith Bunker.

The show explored a LOT of working class issues of the day and Archie was about as bigoted a racist as one could be. You have to wonder, given the rampant political correctness of today, if any station would even dare air a show like All in the Family.


Archie Bunker is the "him" you're looking for. The show was "All in the Family." And the "stifle yourself..." phrase was most commonly followed by the word I posted and directed at his wife, Edith Bunker.

The show explored a LOT of working class issues of the day and Archie was about as bigoted a racist as one could be. You have to wonder, given the rampant political correctness of today, if any station would even dare air a show like All in the Family.
I've seen some reruns in the last few years and I watched the show as a kid. I doubt any network would air a show like that now. It made fun of Archie, and show just how ignorant he was which was a good thing at the time, but we've swung to an extreme opposite now.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Interesting thing is that Carroll O'Connor who played Archie was quite liberal.

I guess it was his way of protesting. You're would never get out there today.

Too bad we don't have the good variety shows and good comedies these days.