Roberto, if you are buying dollars its the high number, selling dollars is the low number. You would use the sell dollars price.I have a guy cutting palms and he quoted aprice in dollars. I want to pay in pesos. Which posted rate do I use so he gets the equivalent of the dollar amount he asked for in pesos, the 'buy' or 'sell'? For some reason I cannot get my brain to work on this.
Thanks Carnac. I did also make the mistake of paying him some up front but he's working at it now so we will see. No more dough till more work is done.Roberto, if you are buying dollars its the high number, selling dollars is the low number. You would use the sell dollars price.
Thanks Carnac. I did also make the mistake of paying him some up front but he's working at it now so we will see. No more dough till more work is done.[/QUOT
i always knew you were a pretty fart smeller, oops. I meant pretty smart fellar.