Rocky Point is Safe Blog


I understand there is a booming business of shops in RP that put panels in SUV roofs for smuggling coke/money etc. They are there because more and more Anglo geezers are getting into the mule game.
Seriously? Actually, I wouldn't be surprised. But what does that have to do with the blog? I thought it was a good thing.

GV Jack

Snorin God
I understand there is a booming business of shops in RP that put panels in SUV roofs for smuggling coke/money etc. They are there because more and more Anglo geezers are getting into the mule game.
Hold on there whipper snapping thread hijacker. Who you calling a mule. I may be an Anglo Geezer, but I ain't nobdy's ass.

How long you been in the panel business amigo?


Found this on the internet: ROCKY POINT IS SAFE
Does anyone know who created or runs that website? It has only 3 or 4 postings, and seems to be not updated since 2010.
From the website:
Rocky Point is Safe (RPIS) mission is to educate people in the United States considering coming to Puerto Penasco about what is really going on in Rocky Point, Mexico. All the content on this website was created by residents, business owners, citizens, visitors, tourists (and an old grumpy beach bum) of Rocky Point Mexico.



Does anyone know who created or runs that website? It has only 3 or 4 postings, and seems to be not updated since 2010.
From the website:
Rocky Point is Safe (RPIS) mission is to educate people in the United States considering coming to Puerto Penasco about what is really going on in Rocky Point, Mexico. All the content on this website was created by residents, business owners, citizens, visitors, tourists (and an old grumpy beach bum) of Rocky Point Mexico.

There was a July 2012 Archive also - although I don't remember exactly what it said - too early in the morning for memory retention! LOL


Does anyone know who created or runs that website? It has only 3 or 4 postings, and seems to be not updated since 2010.
From the website:
Rocky Point is Safe (RPIS) mission is to educate people in the United States considering coming to Puerto Penasco about what is really going on in Rocky Point, Mexico. All the content on this website was created by residents, business owners, citizens, visitors, tourists (and an old grumpy beach bum) of Rocky Point Mexico.

It might be these guys.


There was a July 2012 Archive also - although I don't remember exactly what it said - too early in the morning for memory retention! LOL
Yes, you are right, there is one posting in July 2012 about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
Which by the way made me feel very safe about Rocky Point. :confused: :lol:

The rest of the activity seems to be from July 2010. The page leader says:
"Rotating Safety Facts: Puerto Penasco has had less murders so far in 2010 than Phoenix Arizona had in the first 24 hours of the year. More people were murdered last year in Pheonix Arizona than the entire State of Sonora had in the past two decades."

So if they have not updated their Rotating Safety Facts since "so far in 2010" they must not have a very active webmaster.
I think Roberto may be right about trash in public places, although this website was at least well meaning, unlike litter-bugs.
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The website is a Seaside Rentals/Steve Schwab production. I recall when he launched it a couple of years ago and sent everyone on his mailing list an invitation to post.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Didn't you know that Rosie is 75% Mexican gypsy? That's right. She's an expert at reading Magic Eight Balls. I think hers is stuck, though. It always says "Ask again later". She does crystal ball, crystal waving, tarot cards, and psychotic readings, bruha curses with burning sage, and finger cymbals, too. When you step into her office, that's the first thing she does -- look into your future. "Yep, looks like your gonna need that insurance policy!! I'd up those limits if I were you!!"
:rofl::rofl: :rofl:

Rosie dear, yanno I'm just goofin' wid ya. Luvs ya! :puff:
Didn't you know that Rosie is 75% Mexican gypsy? That's right. She's an expert at reading Magic Eight Balls. I think hers is stuck, though. It always says "Ask again later". She does crystal ball, crystal waving, tarot cards, and psychotic readings, bruha curses with burning sage, and finger cymbals, too. When you step into her office, that's the first thing she does -- look into your future. "Yep, looks like your gonna need that insurance policy!! I'd up those limits if I were you!!"
:rofl::rofl: :rofl:

Rosie dear, yanno I'm just goofin' wid ya. Luvs ya! :puff:
"psychotic readings"...jajajaja.