Yet an even worse News Article in the AZ Republic.

Just came across a not so great article in the Arizona Republic. This goes to print tomorrow but here is the online edition.

U.S. notifies expats in Rocky Point

I is strange that these events happened weeks ago, but now this comes out.

The article mentions a sexual assault on an American as well. I never heard of this before. Has anyone one else?


I like the comment about the increase in tourisim. To bad they didn't mention it was from Mexican Nationals and not from the U.S.
That helps explain all the newer expensive Escalades and Denali's SUV's with Mexico plates, I see in the parking lots at Las Polomas and the
Sonoran properties when I go visit friends staying there.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Read that this morning. I thought the "conjecture" was interesting. That perhaps Chapo sent some of his guys to take out the ones that were misbehaving (did the home invasion). I mean, kind of makes sense. If it's your territory and things are fairly peaceful and going smoothly, you don't need a couple boneheads pulling off high profile crimes and drawing undue attention to the organization. But, as the article said, it all depends on what happens next.

The article also stated that the Mexican authorities were being very tight-lipped about all of this. And of course, our own dear Rosie got quoted.
Last time I was at Paloma's, it was almost all Mexican nationals. I was included in a handful of Americans. I spoke to some and they were from Mexico City, Juarez and other places. They seemed to be families who were very respectful and nice to chat with. Who knows, they could have been bad people were they were from, but I would guess not.


AKA Carnac
Read that this morning. I thought the "conjecture" was interesting. That perhaps Chapo sent some of his guys to take out the ones that were misbehaving (did the home invasion). I mean, kind of makes sense. If it's your territory and things are fairly peaceful and going smoothly, you don't need a couple boneheads pulling off high profile crimes and drawing undue attention to the organization. But, as the article said, it all depends on what happens next.

The article also stated that the Mexican authorities were being very tight-lipped about all of this. And of course, our own dear Rosie got quoted.
Stuart, you get a "A+", in my classroom.
It is a really good thing that Nationals are flocking to Penasco.
The nationals I spoke to we're just happy to get out of the daily grid and enjoy paradise for the time the had there. Just like all of us I suppose. One guy told me he lived Monterey and spoke of the dangers there. He said it had gotten increasing worse of the past months and said his wife had given up driving in fear of her safety. He said he came to get away, and enjoy rp.


I wholeheartedly agree it's a good thing about the Mexican Nationals. I was asking AZ Rob what he thought because I couldn't tell from his post. Not only is it a good thing for RP specifically, it's good that there's is an increasing middle class/upper middle class in Mexico - that will only help Mexico in the future.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
I wholeheartedly agree it's a good thing about the Mexican Nationals. I was asking AZ Rob what he thought because I couldn't tell from his post. Not only is it a good thing for RP specifically, it's good that there's is an increasing middle class/upper middle class in Mexico - that will only help Mexico in the future.

Mexico initial GDP report for Q2 2012: 4.3%

US initial GDP report for Q2 2012: 1.6%

The only test for the Mexican economy is whether they can sustain real growth without the bankers going overboard in the issuance of cheap credit. Once the Mexican people are paying with cards and "carrying monthly balances" things there will get just as ugly as they are here...


Lovin it in RP!
Mexico initial GDP report for Q2 2012: 4.3%

US initial GDP report for Q2 2012: 1.6%

The only test for the Mexican economy is whether they can sustain real growth without the bankers going overboard in the issuance of cheap credit. Once the Mexican people are paying with cards and "carrying monthly balances" things there will get just as ugly as they are here...
I have a credit card in Mexico and the credit is not cheap by any means but we still use it to buy consumables via internet or when traveling overseas it is very convenient but so expensive that we cant leave a balance on it. Car loans are super high too. This encourages those of more substantial means to use credit while leaving the poor out of the question. The credit got so crazy in the States that middle class was borrowing like millionaires and that was not sustainable. I dont foresee that happening here anytime soon, the banks are very conservative and restrictive by comparison to the USA.


Read that this morning. I thought the "conjecture" was interesting. That perhaps Chapo sent some of his guys to take out the ones that were misbehaving (did the home invasion). I mean, kind of makes sense. If it's your territory and things are fairly peaceful and going smoothly, you don't need a couple boneheads pulling off high profile crimes and drawing undue attention to the organization. But, as the article said, it all depends on what happens next.

The article also stated that the Mexican authorities were being very tight-lipped about all of this. And of course, our own dear Rosie got quoted.
So a couple of home invasions take place in RP and Chapo decides to shoot up the place creating the biggest negative news impact on the area since the police chief was shot a couple of years ago? I think not. With things seemingly calming down the past year as far as the negative reputation of RP and the supposed increase in the return of the American tourists, how could this possibly keep things smooth, quiet, and be in his favor? Without this major story of violent killings, these home invasions would have flown under the radar. If these were indeed Chapo's croonies, I would think he would have taken care of them in a way not one of us would have known about. :eek:strich:


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
So a couple of home invasions take place in RP and Chapo decides to shoot up the place creating the biggest negative news impact on the area since the police chief was shot a couple of years ago? I think not. With things seemingly calming down the past year as far as the negative reputation of RP and the supposed increase in the return of the American tourists, how could this possibly keep things smooth, quiet, and be in his favor? Without this major story of violent killings, these home invasions would have flown under the radar. If these were indeed Chapo's croonies, I would think he would have taken care of them in a way not one of us would have known about. :eek:strich:
The devil is always in the details, which even if the authorities do know, they're not saying. Since when have any of the cartel hits been conducted in secret, quiet, out of the way places? Maybe some we don't hear about. But please, they're done to send a message, and if that message is "Shape up and don't act like these idiots," then you want a lot of people to hear it loud and clear.

Again, pure speculation on my part, but it's probable the reason things have been calming down and safer may be due to cartel edict -- It's our territory, you don't harm tourists or tourist business, you don't piss off the locals. It's easier to do business when everything is kum-bah-ya. So far, it's said that the victims of the home invasion were Americans and if true, that's going to draw a higher level of publication and scrutiny from law enforcement on both sides of the border.

Hey, I dunno... I don't have Chapo's cell phone # to ask him. But, what I said is a plausible scenario and I wasn't the one that put it forward. It was "conjecture" from the DEA guys if you read between the lines in the article that was published in the Republic this morning.

As far as negative impact, what negative impact? The tourist numbers are up if you read the article. Hasn't stopped anybody. The fact that the whole story is just now coming to light and it happened a couple weeks ago? Well... somebody was keeping it under wraps. And just like this thread, within a few days, weeks, the story will go away and business for both the good and bad guys will be back to normal.



Plus they spend a little more money here, than the U.S. tourists do and they don't need a bank trust when they buy property.
Some points may be true, well, the bank trust at least, but RP will not thrive as well without the Americans, no doubt.


AKA Carnac
Some points may be true, well, the bank trust at least, but RP will not thrive as well without the Americans, no doubt.
I don't see the town thriving at all, because of what U.S. residents spend here now, before yes now no. Ask any business that caters to mostly U.S. residents and they will probably tell you they have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It's the mexicans keeping it going now. Plus they are buying some properties, cheap but they are buying.


AKA Carnac
The devil is always in the details, which even if the authorities do know, they're not saying. Since when have any of the cartel hits been conducted in secret, quiet, out of the way places? Maybe some we don't hear about. But please, they're done to send a message, and if that message is "Shape up and don't act like these idiots," then you want a lot of people to hear it loud and clear.

Again, pure speculation on my part, but it's probable the reason things have been calming down and safer may be due to cartel edict -- It's our territory, you don't harm tourists or tourist business, you don't piss off the locals. It's easier to do business when everything is kum-bah-ya. So far, it's said that the victims of the home invasion were Americans and if true, that's going to draw a higher level of publication and scrutiny from law enforcement on both sides of the border.

Hey, I dunno... I don't have Chapo's cell phone # to ask him. But, what I said is a plausible scenario and I wasn't the one that put it forward. It was "conjecture" from the DEA guys if you read between the lines in the article that was published in the Republic this morning.

As far as negative impact, what negative impact? The tourist numbers are up if you read the article. Hasn't stopped anybody. The fact that the whole story is just now coming to light and it happened a couple weeks ago? Well... somebody was keeping it under wraps. And just like this thread, within a few days, weeks, the story will go away and business for both the good and bad guys will be back to normal.

Another A+ Stuart and a BIG E for effort. It didnt take you long, to get it.


The devil is always in the details, which even if the authorities do know, they're not saying. Since when have any of the cartel hits been conducted in secret, quiet, out of the way places? Maybe some we don't hear about. But please, they're done to send a message, and if that message is "Shape up and don't act like these idiots," then you want a lot of people to hear it loud and clear.

Again, pure speculation on my part, but it's probable the reason things have been calming down and safer may be due to cartel edict -- It's our territory, you don't harm tourists or tourist business, you don't piss off the locals. It's easier to do business when everything is kum-bah-ya. So far, it's said that the victims of the home invasion were Americans and if true, that's going to draw a higher level of publication and scrutiny from law enforcement on both sides of the border.

Hey, I dunno... I don't have Chapo's cell phone # to ask him. But, what I said is a plausible scenario and I wasn't the one that put it forward. It was "conjecture" from the DEA guys if you read between the lines in the article that was published in the Republic this morning.

As far as negative impact, what negative impact? The tourist numbers are up if you read the article. Hasn't stopped anybody. The fact that the whole story is just now coming to light and it happened a couple weeks ago? Well... somebody was keeping it under wraps. And just like this thread, within a few days, weeks, the story will go away and business for both the good and bad guys will be back to normal.

I can only hope so, but from what I am hearing and reading in Phoenix, this may just be the incident that puts a major stake in the heart of Penasco. Seems to me that not only American tourists are taking this one more seriously, but regulars and owners as well. My wife spent 3 weeks alone for the most part in our Encanto home back in June and said she wanted to do it every summer( she works in an elementary school) when she got back. Now, not so much.

Anyway, saw this on a blog this morning, thought it was clever, I needed a chuckle-

The U.S. Consulate in Nogales, Sonora, issued a new warning Tuesday to Americans visiting Rocky Point to kiss the old Mexico adios. It’s a new day south of the border, full of romance, and excitement!
“Go beyond the headlines to find the heart and soul of real Mexico. Walk along our beaches and collect sea shells, and other shells, like shell casings. Watch the fisherman and the traffickers harvesting the bounty of the sea: shrimp, talapia and night drops. Marvel at the gulls silhouetted against the setting sun as you fumble with the deadbolt.
Mexico is not as dangerous as you may think. It’s worse. Just kidding, amigos! That’s our famous Mexican humor at work. Forget what you’ve heard, amigos, Mexico is safe. Think of it as Mogadishu with margaritas and maracas!
Drug traffickers aside, Rocky Point is safe por las touristas. Ask any vacationing drug lord or trafficker touring our region. Come to Mexico to experience a nation rich in history, tradition, culture, natural beauty and sociopathic drug lords that are more coked up than Charlie Sheen on New Year’s and carrying more firepower than Stark Enterprises.
The inhabitants of this modern country use their land and other resources to create unrivaled handicrafts and to grow and make by hand the finest narcotics this side of Timothy Leary’s urn. And as a result, Mexico’s tourism industry is strong, with every state offering a unique travel experience with everything ranging from all out turf wars to charming old world skirmishes that make Scarface look like a Pixar comedy.
Rent a house, stay in a luxury resort or simply hide in your hotel until the gunfire dies down and las cantinas beckon. To guarantee a trouble-free experience travel only in the daytime, only use the main road from Lukeville to Rocky Point, and ay, Dios mio, do not “explore” Mexico. Bring a sunny 'manana' attitude, lots of cash in large denominations for the "donations especial" and for the little ones, plenty of sunscreen. And remember it’s your vacation. Come to beautiful Mexico, where they aren’t shooting at you. They are shooting at each other."