Please know that I am not down on Rocky Point, Sonora or even Mexico. Don't get me wrong, I am all for legalization, I just don't believe that legalization will stop the violence. I have never done drugs, smoked a cigarette or even drank a cup of coffee but I do believe in free choice and if people want to use drugs (much like how I use alcohol) then let 'em. When we consider how to resolve the issue of crime or what has really become a war, we have to examine how things came to be this way.Sonora has great potential on the economic front.My geologist friends are finding big stuff and the Canadians /Aussies are willing to put the bucks in play.Ihe ag sector is on the rise and now going Fair Trade. The manufacturing is doing better as Chins burnout continues.I think medical tourism will explode too...don't be so down on Sonora D man.
No reasonable person signs up for a "job" where you have full knowledge that your end will come from either being shot, beheaded, dismembered or some other tragic act of violence unless you are devoid of all hope for your future. Cartels are able to recruit these people because what little time they have before they die (being a thug) is better than a life of nothing. The ranks of these cartels are comprised of people who use intimidation and violence to make an amount that we would scoff at. These individuals will never punch a time clock or take direction from anyone they don’t fear.