Any Rain in Penasco?


Lovin it in RP!
On my tour to Pinacate yesterday I was upset when my super clean windows on my van became spotted with the 13-14 drops of rain we had......I had to wash them again......oh well its the price we pay to live by blue water!


It is interesting to watch the rain storms blow by down towards Caborca and then deluge Sonoita while we get a few drops. It's been consistent over the years.
The first few years I was coming down to Penasco, and camping at Playa Bonita, those storms scared the hell out of me...but 99 out of a 100, they would just pass by up towards the border! Nice light shows, but nothing in town....


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It was awesome (and a bit scary) to watch them build while we were out on the water. Friday, it looked like a BIG one was going to roll into Penasco from the south... but never made it. In Lobos on Sat., same thing - huge thunderheads and we could hear thunder out on the water. But not so much as as a drop on the way back up to Penasco.

I have had storms develop practically over top at me this time of the year out on the water and NOTHING, absolutley NOTHING scares me more than seeing lightning strikes on the water. The minute I see any lightning, it's hammer time on both throttles and run in the opposite direction!

GV Jack

Snorin God
I with seven others, (four players and four caddies) in a tournament in the mountains of North Carolina many years ago, got knocked down by a bolt of lightning on the 17th fairway.

We had to be fastest white guys that ever ran getting into the club house. I swear, that's what happened to my hair. To this day, if it's anywhere around, I'm outta there.

So, I don't blame you Stuart. Just don't hide under a tree.


Nice pictures- we're hoping for no more rain for a couple of days so the ground can soak it in. Double rainbows were beautiful. Thanks for posting.


There was a terrific wind storm with a little rain last night some time. I slept through it but saw the results this morning. A heavy layer of sand on the tiled patios and the truck. Rain spots on the truck. The sand was coarse, heavy and wet on the ground. Would have loved to see the wind. It's cloudy today , big ones blowing out of the SE towards Sonoyta. Bet they get some rain up there today.


Anyone ever hear of tornados in this area? That wind last night picked up some very heavy beach sand and delivered it to my house.
I have seen 3 water spouts in Cholla and on Sandy Beach over the past 20 years, wind gusts of 60+mph from them, none in the past 2 years that I was there for.


About 2:20 AM mother nature announced the arrival of a storm with a thunderous crash. A lightening display of little sparkelers followed for about maybe 45 minutes. Like flash bulbs popping. A few drops fell and there was a brisk breeze. Crap all over the patios this AM.


August 1998 - San Carlos, Sonora - the biggest and best thunder, lightening and rain storm I've ever seen at the beach. The sound of the thunder bouncing off the mountains was incredible. Definitely one of the most romantic nights of my life!