Look, when politicians smell pesos... and jobs... and new sources of tax revenue... it's the freakin' perfect storm. They couldn't even build a new marina on Sandy Beach. What, in God's name, makes them think they'll be able to build a huge pier or port or whatever for these cruise ships? If the marina was going to cause damage to the "ecologically sensitive" reefs off Sandy Beach, what in the hell will cruise ships do?
Sorry, I still think this is all smoke and mirrors. As soon as they finish the new "Monte Carlo style international casino" that was promised, float those cruise ships full of suckers on in. Penasco will be lucky to be a stop, not a homeport destination. I just don't see it happening, at least, during my lifetime.
Sorry, I still think this is all smoke and mirrors. As soon as they finish the new "Monte Carlo style international casino" that was promised, float those cruise ships full of suckers on in. Penasco will be lucky to be a stop, not a homeport destination. I just don't see it happening, at least, during my lifetime.