I dont know who owns the Morris,
“The Morris”, they are doing business, and we had a great time! They do live up to what they offer. All the Free Margarita’s & Beer we could drink. They sell great hamburgers, hotdogs, cheese sticks etc. They turned on the disco ball after sunset, and the dancing began! What a great time we had. And for a treat, on certain nights they have a Hula Show. The dancer is Fantastic! WE HAD THE BEST TIME ON “THE MORRIS” AND WE ! WILL GO ON THIS BOAT EVERY CHANCE WE GET. We talked to the owner and found out that they do fishing trips, sun & fun day trips, snorkeling, & diving. Now when we go, to get on “The Morris”, we just ignore all the Sunset Cruise sellers and go directly to the boat. [deleted by About.com Phoenix] So don’t be fooled…..book with the BEST!