Wahoo ......
If you read my post correctly, basically I did not say that prices went up just for the tourist, because of the US dollar exchange rates!
What I said was that years ago when the exchange rate gave us more pesos, we the tourist made out like a bear! Our money went far in MEXICO!
Now, its reversed, and when we " the US tourist " exchange local currency or use US dollars, the local businesses compute their goods and services on the new exchange rates!
So, a toco that say a month ago was selling for 12.5 mex, the exchange rate than, now, with the buck at say, 14.5 / exchange, that
12.5 mex peso toco now sells for 14.5 peso for that taco now!
So now, the US buck just caused an inflation increase in Mexico! The mergents now raised their price for EVERYBODY, mexican and tourist alike!
Years back it was more stable, and based their supply and service on less tourist influx of money!
My contractors now price in US dollars! They want that 14.5 exchange rate! Remember, this is MEXICO and soon yours will compute their labor in 14.5 or so!
So this is what hurts the poorer locals! Who can not get that higher exchange rate, so in essants, ( ??? ) they are hit with higher inflation for what they buy for their pesos!
So, like I said earlier, back in time, we gained by the higher exchange rates when we changed our money to pesos! And the peso was more stable, for the locals!
Now, the mex that can get dollars exchange them for more pesos, for them, and boom......Mexico inflation for all!
Now, thats why some state and city mayors and governors in Mex want to stop use of our US dollar! It drives the inflation up here!
Other countries have their own reasons for inflation!
Yes, no?