After 45 Years I'm Wondering is there Value is in RP?

I first went to Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) in the 60's with my folks and have thoroughly enjoyed it ever since, especially the wonderful people, the History, the snorkeling, golfing, beach-combing and simply lazing on the beach with an ice-cold Corona in hand! :) I've been all over Mexico, from the capital city to the Yucatan to all points on the Mexican Riviera and Baja, but have always been infatuated with Rocky Point ("RP").

My Dad's best, lifelong friends were Hispanic (as were some of my friends and my mentor after Dad passed, I'm very fortunate to say!) and they had been going to "RP" for the deep-sea fishing clear back to the 1950's. Back then that small road south from Lukeville was "high adventure", meaning it was no sure thing that you wouldn't get you vehicle stuck in the sand along the way!

On my very first trip to Mexico as a boy, my Dad gave me two valuable tips which I never forgot and held me in good stead:
1) "Always remember you are visiting down here, you are a guest!"
2) "That these people don't speak Your language doesn't make them ignorant, it means You are ignorant. So learn the lingo, as best you can, and they will respect you for the effort!"
I've never had a problem in "RP" in all those years and have made friends, like our pal "Cowboy" at the fish market, with whom we loved to learn/discuss Mexican politics and also bought tasty fish from for nearly 30 years until his recent retirement.

Over the years I've become a bit of a Mexico history buff. The land is rich in history as contributed to by the indigenous Indians, "the Builders", Aztecs, Mayans, Spanish, French, and Chinese. That and my Grandfather's military involvement when Pancho Villa was raising hell on the border, all contributed to capturing my imagination and a long time love affair and fascination with "RP" and Mexico in general.

The other huge draw for me to "RP" is that it was SUCH a bargain, in terms of drink, food, accommodations and things to do! It wasn't that long ago that one could sip on cold Cerveza from noon to night for about $.40-.60 cents US. Now unfortunately we're looking at about a $1.00 a bottle and that's at the Distributor! Buy one at the bar for $2.00 on average, and up if you're not paying attention.

We used to go to Costa Brava and El Capitan or LaCurva restaurants and enjoy fabulous Mexican food or fresh Fish dinners for $4-5.00 a plate. Now we see average prices of $9-15 a plate and up. Good grief, I don't have to leave the US to spend like that at all!

As for accommodations, we've done it all, and one thing for sure is, there ain't no big bargains down there any more as far as I'm concerned. More tragic is that they don't seem to much give a damn if we come down and stay any longer. I can hardly get a reply to a voice mail or email these days when inquiring about accommodations. Used to be, "yes Senior, we have your information on file and look forward to seeing you again and we would like to offer to you our 39% VIP discount for your continued patronage. Hasta Luego!"
I guess the "gringos" have worn out "our" welcome, that's sad.

Here's what I've seen in terms of price changes over the years (all USD$).
  • Resorts - $200-500 a night recently (Mayan Palace).
  • Private Home Rentals - used to be $80-120 now $300-500 a night (nice 3-4 bed beach-front homes in Las Conchas)
  • Hotels - used to be $40-70 now $100-150 a night (Playa Bonita on Sandy Beach or Plaza Las Glorias and Costa Brava downtown, (CB now defunct)
  • Condos - used to be $80-120 now $200-400 a night (I rented at Las Palmas 25 times and one trip paid for 5 condos for 5 families all at once, now I can't get a return email.) There are still "bargains" to be had by searching Craigs List for US Owner/Renters, we found a nice deal at Sonora Sea/Spa/Sky.
  • Motorhomes - used to be $8-10 a night full Hookups now $20-25 a night (Playa Bonita, the Reef on Sandy Beach or San Rafael and Playa del Oro over by Manny's)
  • Truck&Camper on the beach - used to be $0-2 now $5-10 a night (the Reef)

Equipment Rentals are no longer reliable! There WAS a pride of mechanic/ownership and we used to rent Jet Skis and ATVs all the time. We had 0% failures on Jets, and maybe had a 5-10% breakdown factor on ATVs, some of that is to be expected.
The last few times we rented ATVs 1 in 3 vehicles had mechanical failures EVERY day. To which you might say, "well that's only 33% failure rate", but when one breaks, everyone chips in to get all back to safety - meaning that day's ride is over for all.
On our most recent trip we had another failure (chain break), AND adding insult to injury after "piggy backing" in the ATV-less rider(s), we had to stand around in the hot street for 45 minutes waiting for the ATV-renter to go retrieve his equipment before we could get our Drivers Licenses back. Then instead of coming back with the ATV and saying "sorry for wasting your vacation day", he drove right past us to the garage, later "texting" his partner that the Licenses could be released. It was like we were wasting his time, rather than the other way around, Incredible!

Jet Skis now rule the beach (much like motorcycles did in the 60's and 70's). Rental outfits appear at 9:00 in the morning and are there until dusk. I used to snorkel out to 250 yards off the coast and for 2-4 hours at a time, totally mesmerized by the fascinations of the Sea of Cortez. Lately I've had to go out to snorkel at 8 am (yes a little chilly then!) to enjoy a good swim. Nowadays you must be very careful about swimming further than 50 yards off the coast and be careful to wear bright hats and be ever vigilant for the JetSkis. The Jets have the ocean so churned up that you can't see a damn thing while snorkeling any more, so they've pretty much ruined snorkeling for me at least at "RP".

On our most recent trip we had a first Jetski "failure". There was some cracking in the top forward surface in the Gelcoat of the hull. This was not on the standing area and not on the nose cone, so no implications of jumping too hard or hitting something could be made. We did notice this cracking on one of the Jets prior to the ride but failed to take careful notice of this on the second. Hell it was only a 30 minute ride, how much inspection should you have to do, right!
Well the operators tried to pin the damage on us, told us the Jets were $12,000 each and we were responsible and then called the cops, the whole thing got crazy. Remember, it's "Napoleonic Law" down there, you are "guilty until proven innocent", not the other way around. Long story short, we had to cut our vacation 3 days short and had to slink out of the country (leaving 3 nights Condo rental and some beach possessions behind!).
We feel the Jet handlers were setting us up to cover the costs of long-term vessel fatigue issues or perhaps rough handling on and off the trailers, but who knows?

Too much drama to be sure.

Finally, I am bummed to be reevaluating whether or not I still want to go to "RP". All the reports about Narco Terrorism has it so only 25% of our friends and family will even consider going any more.
The Costs are getting up there to where I could go to San Diego for the same money.
The only big draw for me is the warm water to swim in, but the snorkeling is being trashed by the Jets and Banana boats. (hell the solution is so simple it's ridiculous, but it'll never happen - Simply run the damn Jets and Bananas 300+ yards off the coast and let the swimmers and fishermen have some peace and safety, DUH!)

Again, Too much drama, Too much to think about! I realize "the Gringos" are ruining it for us all by not being respectful of the country, the culture, the people. BUT I'm the type of respectful "gringo" that Mexico should welcome, not drive away and you ARE losing me, bit by bit.

I go to "Rocky Point" to "get away from it all" -- To relax, to cook, to eat, to drink, to read a book on the beach, to have fun, that's what it is SUPPOSED to be all about, to be sure.

Phoenix, Arizona


The world has become a very expensive place in the last 45 years. We make 5 times as much, but everything costs 5 times more. Somehow we view this as progress??? Our lifestyle used to be slow paced with plenty of time to enjoy life and smell the roses, but not anymore. Who has time for that? Too many things to do and not enough time to do it. We have become a short tempered, rude society with no solution in sight.

RP may have gone in that direction since the 60's, but not like it has in the US. I still find RP to be very laid back with very friendly people. Between the ocean breeze and the locals, it is a breath of fresh air every time I go there. I also go to RP to get away from it all and have no problems finding my peace. Have the prices gone up? Of course, but where haven't they? If the crowds are the problem, try the outlying beaches. We enjoy staying at Playa Encanto. Many times we are the only ones on the beach for as far as you can see. Works for me and I plan to keep on coming back!


24 years ago I moved from where I was born and raised for 33 years, Long Island, NY, to Phoenix. The last several years, I have not made that many trips back, the frequency getting less and less as the years went by. A year ago when I went back to visit, we decided to go to an old favorite of ours, Peters Clam Bar.(Peters Clam Bar - Island Park, NY)

I almost choked when I looked at the menu prices. I had no clue how the prices had escalated from "back in the day". I could not imagine ordering 6 little neck clams at $8.00, when I get a bag full of them for $5 at the malecon. A dozen oysters at $13? I get a dozen at the oyster farm for $5, and believe me they are much better oysters! There really isn't any seafood that tastes better than Sea of Cortez fare. I've been to California and it's no different there. So it's all relative, you can't expect prices to remain the same no matter where in the world you go. And that goes for anything, food, drink, hotel, etc. RP is a bargain in my mind and always will be.


The price increase that bugs me the most about RP is the taxi fare. Why is it always $12 no matter where you go? I find that nobody will even negotiate, even if it's just a half mile down the road. 10 years ago you could get around town for 2 or 3 bucks, and I feel like the locals probably still do. I even speak fluent Spanish and it still seems to get me nowhere.


Lovin it in RP!
I love my little seaside town, I love the people, I love the beaches, and after a recent trip to Tucson, I love the prices. These are the good ole days. Stop living in the past.

Things always move, not always in the direction that we want. You either enjoy being in a place or you dont but the truth is no matter where you are - you take yourself with you!

So I will drink my dollar beer, and sit with my girl on the edge of the sea of Cortes' with million dollar views and enjoy my short time on this planet immensely.

AJUA - Life is great! (you can have San Diego)


I agree with Russ- if you go to the tourist places, you're going to pay "tourist" prices. When you first visited Penasco, there were no tourist places to go to. Now you need to find where the locals eat and buy, and you will enjoy cheaper prices. Also, you will meet some fantastic, beautiful, friendly people!

Bob Oso

C'mon Russ, you pretty much live there, you've figured the in's and out's of the place. You're not taking in what the OP is trying to convey. He's not slamming RP, he's giving his point of view for what it's like for people who visit once or maybe twice a year, at most. And I agree with alot of what he has to say.


you often do

Rocky point is like a women you loved and cherished for many years, and then one day you wake up and look over to the other side of the bed and wonder what in the hell happened to her.
You women can just change that to the man you loved, you often do.:eek:...:stir:


Lovin it in RP!
C'mon Russ, you pretty much live there, you've figured the in's and out's of the place. You're not taking in what the OP is trying to convey. He's not slamming RP, he's giving his point of view for what it's like for people who visit once or maybe twice a year, at most. And I agree with alot of what he has to say.

I do get what he is saying.

In my tour company I often hear people say things about the way things used to be. Like I said in my post, these are the good ole days for someone. We cant go back, we have to move on.

Penasco is going to grow, it will continue to morph into things that wont mesh with the past. In general Mexico is also growing up. The current leadership here is focused on making Penasco a desirable place for everyone to enjoy. Some like the busy bar scenes, some like the sandy quiet coastline far away from anyone else. We have all of that and everything in between.

The idea that the gringos are ruining it for all of us chaps me a bit. I dont kind of live here I am all in. I am part of the community and I love it.

Progress means change and not everyone is down with that. You have to remember though that this is a Mexican town. If progress is good for the Mexican people then I am all for it. Will it make your experience a little different when you come back in 6 months or a year? Probably but the reality is its not all about you and your memories. The people here deserve good things too! I know local folks who were born here and lived here when everyone lived in old port. No water, no electricity......I think they love the changes that are being made to our little town.

So gas up the car, grab your loved ones and head for the beach in our little modernizing town. Grab a cold beer at a bar for 2.50 instead of 5.50 like I paid in Tucson last Saturday. Or grab a 12 for 113 pesos and go to a deserted beach north or south of town.. Like I said we have it all and more. Come enjoy the good old days today!


Sure things have changed just as they have changed in most inplaces. I also have been coming to Rocky Point for many years. The 25 centtacos, $7.00 case of beer and $10.00pp for all day fishing have long gonealong with my $90.00 a week pay check and my $300.00 Ford Falcon. That is aproblem that comes with age we remember what things use to cost and comparedthings today to them. I would have never thought that I would ever see a newtruck cost twice what a house use to cost. There are many things in Rocky Pointthat I believe are of value I just have to compare them to today’s cost/dollars.Again this is just my opinion.
As far as renting things most everyone is having hard timesand it is difficult to keep the newest and best maintained stuff. He who canoperate at the lowest operating cost survives. I agree it’s not fair or rightbut is just a fact.
Pm me and you can stop-by my place when I'm there, we can set on the patio lookingover the ocean, drink a 75 cent Corona and talk about how cheap thingsuse to be.


Rocky point is like a women you loved and cherished for many years, and then one day you wake up and look over to the other side of the bed and wonder what in the hell happened to her.
You women can just change that to the man you loved, you often do.:eek:...:stir:

Brave man Kenny...


My husband has been going down since the 60's and I have been going down since the 70's. We've spent many weeks in San Diego also. Yes it has changed and yes things cost more. The condo we rent with a first floor, ocean front would cost us 4 times what we pay if it were in San Diego. The local restaurants (not the ones in the resorts) have excellent food and very fair prices. The gas is cheaper and their mexican gulf shrimp, homemade tortillas and bakery items cannot be found in San Diego. In my opinion Rocky Point is 100% more value than San Diego. Read this board, ask questions and you'll find the places we're talking about.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Yeah, the days of a $100 weekend and still having some change in your pocket are long gone, amigo. Hell, I feel lucky if I can have $500 weekend these days.

Doesn't make it bad, just makes it more expensive. I'm still trying to figure out what my beer budget should be for the show this Sat. night!


Yeah, the days of a $100 weekend and still having some change in your pocket are long gone, amigo. Hell, I feel lucky if I can have $500 weekend these days.


That reminded me that we used to call COSTCO the $100 club, now you spend 3x that !


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I've actually given up on Playa Inn. Very much downhill from what it used to be and I'm one that's been staying there since the 1st row of Inn Suites that it was back in the day. Sad, I've been a *loyal* customer all these years and watched it grow and have had some excellent stays there, many times. But, times have changed. Even Reggie's has changed, but it's still my morning coffee and a breakfast burrito. And still the best in RP for that.

I can still guarantee *one* experience in RP - La Curva. Mi familia there treats us just like that. Fresh fish? No problemo, senor. Pedro, the Handsome Marachi, come, join us for some comida. The other marachis look at him like a pariah that he would sit and eat with the gringos. Little do they know the awesomeness of the fresh fish tacos with white seabass, goldspot, or whatever we caught that day, cooked perfectly. Pedro knows. He's familia, too. As is Jorge, the flower boy. Sure, flowers for my espousa. This is pesos all well spent.

These are the things that I love and that bring me back to RP over and over and over... not some fancy condo on Sandy Beach. Not Changos, not Wrecked at the Reef. Just the very real people I've come to know, love, and consider my familia, because that's exactly the way they treat me, whether it's been a few weeks or a year since they've seen me.

Mi amigo Ruben has put in some nice little casitas over at Whale Hill. My new home away from home. Price? Can't beat it with a stick. Mini split ACs, brand new, hot water heaters in each room... just haven't gotten used to the roosters at daybreak! But I'm getting up to go fishing at daybreak anyway. Just nature's alarm clock.

1400 pesos? Beach supplies, maybe. But not ice, launch fees, fish cleaning, gas for the boat, etc., etc. I suppose if I came and wanted to roast my buns on a Mirador beach, or even La Pinta, all day long, I could get by on that. I'm not a beach person. The water... it calls me. I need to be on it, exploring, experiencing, trying to catch the one that got away last time.

I fish. Therefore, I am. :lobster:
If you haven't been to what used to be the Playa Inn lately, you might want to check it out. The people who bought it and then ran it into the ground lost it. It's been re-taken over by the sellers. Now it's the Hotel Grand Hacienda, although some of the signs haven't yet been changed.

For months they've been working to bring it back up to par, and they seem to be doing a decent job. Last weekend we had visiting friends stay there and they were very comfortable. Price was about $50 bucks per night for a double. Javier Ortega is the bartender, for those of you who remember him from JC's or the Sunset Cantina. The food in the restaurant is good and the staff is friendly.
After 45 Years I'm Wondering is there Value is in RP? continued........

Thank you for your heartfelt comments. I love "RP" too, that's why I bothered to write.
I got a lot of commentary about "living in the past" and "relative prices and inflation", sorry if I was not more clear.

Here are my main points in sum:
- Relative prices for housing, food and beverages are now on par with what we can pay in the US, prices USED to be a much better VALUE relative to my costs in Phoenix, AZ.
- Equipment Rental VALUES are deteriorating do to maintenance issues - that's dangerous and frustrating.
- I don't feel as WELCOME as I once did -- and I truly believe I'm one of the "good gringos"!
- Safety on Sandy Beach for people who want to swim, snorkel, fish or float on a lounge has been compromised by the Jetskis and Banana boats (solution above).
They can't really expect us to drive 250 miles to come swim in that roped-in 60 yard square, can they!?

There's no doubt tourism has fallen off in "RP". Ask ANY merchant!
If "RP" wants to reverse that trend, they need to be aware of these problem points and do what they can to address/fix them!
I pray these comments reach those in "RP" who can/will make a difference! That's the whole purpose of this.

Phoenix, Arizona