Is Rocky Point safe?


I like pie.
Staff member
Please use this thread to talk about the recent discussion about rocky point and if it's really safe. I know we all hear about it on the news, stay away from RP, murders in RP, etc.

Personally, I feel RP is very safe. There's murders every day in Phoenix and every other city in the world.

Please have some taste when replying...
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Rocky Point is very safe for those who use common sense and good judgement. Don't walk the streets late at night alone or flaunt your wealth in public. Leave your valuables out of sight in a locked vehicle.


Let's not close threads or bury our heads in the sand either. There is some substance to the stories being told.


I am probably more concerned about being taken advantage of from local RP law enforcement than any locals. That being said, don't do any thing there that you would not do here and you should be fine. Anything can happen anywhere, it should not prevent you from enjoying life.


I am an earnest and passionate fighter against the hysteria that the American media has provoked over Mexico and specifically Rocky Point, as you all know, and even I have to agree with dmcauley here, Tyler. I have to say I think taking it upon yourself to simply shut off any threads that have to do with this subject is heavy handed and not the right thing to do.
I also don't understand Tyler--- you're the one started the thread titled "Deadly drug violence hits near Rocky Point with the link to the despicable, horribly sensationalized and innaccurate tabloid style news report conjured by channel 12.

Perhaps a compromise is monitoring thread headlines or too many of them or silly ones like Sub's one about Acapulco violence?

And the thread I posted about the shooting in Washington D.C. had a purpose: it was to make a clear point that needs making and is lost on the folks who are buying into the phobia; why did you feel it necessary to delete it; it could have started fresh discussion on perspective. The double standards we have feed our perceptions and illusions about dangers in both countries.
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I just got back from Puerto Lobos. I went past the Y Griega (spelling) Spot not knowing @ 1:30 p.m. on Friday and was wondering what was going on with all the police present in p/u trucks. Took the new highway to Lobos but it wasn"t done all the way. I have never seen that many police on the roads as I did this weekend. Not as much in Rocky point as on the road form Caborca to Sonoyta. I've heard alot is happening in Caborca but not much problems in P/P. Leigh
I am an avid supporter of PP; have had a home there for 8 years, and have continued to go at least monthly(with my children) even with all the press. While I have never had a concern for my personal safety while in town, I have definitely altered some of my practices (I do not drive the highway at night).

This past weekend I spoke with Luis at "Luis' ATV rentals" just down from Cameltoe. (free plug for jim) Luis acknowledged there has been a very significant increase in break ins, petty theft, and even armed robberies at stores; primarily due to the loss of jobs.

It is my opinion the previous recommendations of not flaunting wealth, keep belongings secured, keeping your nose very clean, along with a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings will enable all travelers to enjoy the culture and beauty of PP.


I don't know if this fits the thread but here is an email that I received this morning. It seems that KOLD 13 may finally do a positive story about Rocky Point. And, I feel very safe here. Never looked for a problem and never found one.

"Big News you will want to see
Story on the news!
Puerto Penasco Sonora Mexico. June 11, 2009
Greetings all,
I just received an email from a news reporter that I met last week who came down to cover the Charity event "Hot dog and a smile" held at JJ's Cantina in Beautiful Cholla Bay - here is what he said...
This is Dan Marries from Tucson. I met you at JJ's last Friday. I just wanted to let you know that the story I shot down there will be airing tomorrow (Thursday) in our 10pm newscast. I'm not sure if you get KOLD News 13, but if you do you'll be able to watch. Spread the word too if you can. Have a good one"

Dan Marries
KOLD News 13
Phone: 520-744-1313 ext. 189
Fax: 520-744-5235
Dans Email
I thought you would all want to have the heads up to see the positive story this guy did. Although it is not about the actual concert it is about the generous community in which we live and work. It would be nice if everyone that receives this email passes it along to their contact list and send an email to Dan thanking him for his interest in Puerto Penasco and taking the time to come here and shoot the story. Maybe we can encourage him to get others in the TV media to come down and tell the truth about Penasco. If you have a condo or house you are not using offer it to the media so they can come down and do some pieces on Penasco. Give me feedback on this it could be the spring that we need to turn the corner........
I have not seen the story yet but I am sure it is nice Dan was having a good time at JJ's. You will see people that you know in the story as well."


Great idea Jim - great to hear about a light in the darkness! Dan's email address did not post - can you try supplying it again, and is there anyone in the Tucson area that can record and post the video on You Tube so we can all see it?
Or Jim, is it possible for you to get a copy from Dan himself via the Internet?


I just checked the email that I received and it did not come through. I will look into it. Or, better yet, maybe Rosy wants to call the guy. She has a short note about it in her news today. Maybe they could colaborate on getting some realistic news out?


Lovin it in RP!
Hi Guys,
Dan Marries email is [email protected] I saw the article last night and it was short but very positive. I have encouraged anyone who received my email yesterday to email Dan and tell him thanks!
Yes RP is safe as any other place the economy is going to bring the scum out for sure but not just here its everywhere. I have the choice to live wherever I wish and I choose RP because of its tranquility and its proximity to my family in the States. I wuld not live here if I thought my family here was in any danger. I have been here for 3 years full time and have been a visitor for 27 years


I sent Dan an email and recieved a very nice reply. I will post it here. I also told him that next time he is in town, dinner and drinks are on the Camel Toe Cantina. It was a brief mention but, hey, it has to start somewhere.
"Hello Jim,
I really appreciate you taking the time to write this e-mail. It means a lot to me. I love going to Rocky Point and I tell everyone I know that. We go down at least once a year for an extended weekend. Next time I’m down I’ll give you a heads up…perhaps we could go for some carne asadas and a cerveza! J Here’s the link to the story so you can pass it on if you’d like. Thanks again for writing.

Dan Marries
KOLD News 13
Phone: 520-744-1313 ext. 189
Fax: 520-744-5235
Email: [email protected]"


Lets not make this a watch every word you say forum Tyler:usa:, that's what we had before, and it sucks! I would guess that the majority of us, at least I would hope so, don't write you private emails wanting you to censure this and that, and act like a bunch of cry baby's and reactionary's. If you don't react to a post, it just goe's away most of the time, right?
Hey volleyball guy, asking Tyler to censure someone on a open forum is just wrong! You seemed to be able to take of yourself just fine, until then.:razz:.. I vote, let's get HAPPY back on the forum and get on with it. We can't have everyone being just the way we want them to be, now can we? I know, I know, someone has to decide what the kids read and watch on TV and read on forums, right?;-)
I went by my Police station at the Y on the 7th, and all 100 plus holes were filled, and the station had a fresh coat of paint. If you want to, you can pretend it never happened.:cool:



El Pirata
Show some remorse

Lets not make this a watch every word you say forum Tyler:usa:, that's what we had before, and it sucks! I would guess that the majority of us, at least I would hope so, don't write you private emails wanting you to censure this and that, and act like a bunch of cry baby's and reactionary's. If you don't react to a post, it just goe's away most of the time, right?
Hey volleyball guy, asking Tyler to censure someone on a open forum is just wrong! You seemed to be able to take of yourself just fine, until then.:razz:.. I vote, let's get HAPPY back on the forum and get on with it. We can't have everyone being just the way we want them to be, now can we? I know, I know, someone has to decide what the kids read and watch on TV and read on forums, right?;-)
I went by my Police station at the Y on the 7th, and all 100 plus holes were filled, and the station had a fresh coat of paint. If you want to, you can pretend it never happened.:cool:

Every dog gets one bit, but just one bite. yes Kenny I agree about the vollyBaller, That why he had to start his own torney, play by the rules.



Hey volleyball guy, asking Tyler to censure someone on a open forum is just wrong!
playaperro said:
I agree about the vollyBaller, That why he had to start his own torney, play by the rules.
:-|I don't think you guys understand where I'm comng from --- I agree with NOT censoring, NOT locking up threads, YES to keeping the forum "open" --- was that not clear?

:idea:What I think might be, mmmm, (smart?) sometimes is for a great and wise forum OZ to seek out and torpedo insipid or sensless/destructive posts/threads published only to antagonize or inflame or vandalize. What is a blanket report of a shooting in Acapulco or centuries old skulls in a pit in Great Britain doing here? Does it contribute? Is it constructive, interesting or relevant? Or is it garbage?

That's the only instance, besides blatant personal abuse, that I support censure.
I had a post making the point that the Wash. D.C. Holocaust Museum shooting could spook people away from the east coast if the same standards of xenophobia were applied to it as the media does to Mexico stories, and Tyler axed it immediately. I do not support censure, guys.:usa:
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I may have over reacted, but I come back after being in Mexico for just a week, and threads are locked, and people are asking for more censure.
I have good friends in PP who have a $vested:mexico: interest in, and are part of the economy of PP, and the surrounding area. I try, but I can't always be thinking of them when I post what I consider truths. Also, I can be one crazy S.O.B. myself at times..SHUT UP KENNY...OK:confused:

Happy say's hi, or somthing to that effect.:-D


Blogs like Rockypointexposed kept many people from following into the same trap he did. I have kept a few people from being ripped off myself and the whole condo fight we fought on the old forum was more about them building too many condos and the problems that was causing..Real Estate can be a crooked game and the drug war calls for local people to warn new comers about potential problems. Having a little fun with it all is more of an art than a science.


M4S Sez
:-|I don't think you guys understand where I'm comng from --- I agree with NOT censoring, NOT locking up threads, YES to keeping the forum "open" --- was that not clear?

:idea:What I think might be, mmmm, (smart?) sometimes is for a great and wise forum OZ to seek out and torpedo insipid or sensless/destructive posts/threads published only to antagonize or inflame or vandalize. What is a blanket report of a shooting in Acapulco or centuries old skulls in a pit in Great Britain doing here? Does it contribute? Is it constructive, interesting or relevant? Or is it garbage?"

Your garbage might be my jewel. Who makes the judgement? Nothing wrong with some illustrative discussion. Remember "It's an ill wind that blows no minds"