Get Your own own Beach Place while you are young


I've been thinking about this a bit lately as i approach birthday 61.I built my 2 small houses in Santo Tomas when I was maybe 55 ( and really want to encourage you guys and girls in your 20's and 30's to do it now,,,beg borrow or steal and build a small house on the coast.Lots of knowledge on the forum on the wheres and hows but I just wish I had done it earlier when I was more physically fit for long kayak trips,swims,runs in the dunes and I think about all those extra years working on my sea scout skills would have been great to have in the memory bank and to pass on to family,neighbors,friends and strangers in trouble (seem to find a lot of those down here!)

From the new forum guys (The Yoders) sailboat blog on whether to go for it or wait(I think the small beach houses like I am planning now..... of which I will put up some sketches soon.... let you get this all done under 120k so with a partner (or three) you don't have to wait..hell do a lot of it yourself and save more. "Today is the first of May which makes it Labor Day or Workers’ Day in much of the world. This entry is dedicated to all of you who are still punching the clock. Keep your chins up. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. You can either bag it now and go cruising with whatever money/boat you have or you can keep plugging away until you can retire with a pension. Either way works and it’s entirely up to you which path you choose. We chose the path of deferred reward by working until we could draw a pension. The trade-off for waiting is that we don’t have to wonder where our next paycheck is coming from. We also don’t have to wonder how long we can maintain this lifestyle since we get the same retirement check whether we’re hiding out in the Sea of Cortez or shoveling snow in Silverton, Oregon. The choice is yours and there are no wrong answers.


Lovin it in RP!
As a traveling family in the RV tour business I can say with a certainty that we have enjoyed our life. We dont have much materially but we have memories of life on the road. We managed to move to Mexico in a little house when we were in our 40's and do not regret it at all. Do it while you are young is what I take away from Jerry's post


I couldn't agree more. I'll be 49 in October and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get my slice of heaven in RP. Not sure how much longer I can wait. I would love to be able to have a simple life, nothing extravagant, work via internet, one car with no payment, etc. We have a piece of land near Mexico City that we're thinking of selling in order to afford something in RP. If this, if that, when . . . blah, blah, blah. . . . we need to make it happen.


No, don't spend the money now. You need to save it for when you get old and infirm. How do you expect the multi national assisted living facilities to survive if you don't have any money to give them when you get old ? It's really very unfair to spend that money of frivious things when you are young you know.
I was 39 when we made the move down here and I have to admit the past 16 years have been the most wonderful years of my life, and I know Barb (my wife) would agree with me 100%... after our first visit in 1987 we would just sceem and and dream to some day make Rocky Point our home....

Lovin' the Life we Live in Rocky Point...


Lovin it in RP!
I couldn't agree more. I'll be 49 in October and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get my slice of heaven in RP. Not sure how much longer I can wait. I would love to be able to have a simple life, nothing extravagant, work via internet, one car with no payment, etc. We have a piece of land near Mexico City that we're thinking of selling in order to afford something in RP. If this, if that, when . . . blah, blah, blah. . . . we need to make it happen.
My dad promised me as a kid of 11-12 that he would take me fishing in a place called Guaymas one day "as long as nothing comes undone" He worked and worked and when I was 14 I saw my dad of 46 years old die in front of me of a massive heart attack.......I dont put anything I want to do off until tomorrow because sometimes things just come undone.....
Live, laugh and love Today!


My dad promised me as a kid of 11-12 that he would take me fishing in a place called Guaymas one day "as long as nothing comes undone" He worked and worked and when I was 14 I saw my dad of 46 years old die in front of me of a massive heart attack.......I dont put anything I want to do off until tomorrow because sometimes things just come undone.....
Live, laugh and love Today!
I'm only 28 and my wife and I would love to one day own something in Rocky Point. Been coming here 4-6 times a year for the last 10 years. I love this place.

I just got my real estate license to sell homes on the side from my regular job so I plan to bank and away and save commission money. As soon as I have some money in the bank, I'm gonna pull the trigger on a condo on Sandy Beach.