Great Weekend, Horrific Ending


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Connie and I headed down Friday, got the boat out of storage, gassed up and ready to go out Sat. morning. The weather was beautiful, nice breeze, never even turned on the AC all weekend. Made a bunch of bait Sat. morning and headed to the 51. Connie landed a nice white seabass on her first drop with a live mack. We picked up a few goldspots, some whitefish, but overall the fishing was fairly slow. Hit the 53, only scorpionfish, not the usual 2 at a time hawg goldspots. Stopped at Witch's Hat coming back in, a couple more goldspot, but that was it.

Had dinner at La Curva both nights and it was great to see a fair crowd and our "familia" there. They cooked up the scorpionfish for us (butter garlic) and whitefish fillets (breaded). Yummy nom-noms!!

We left RP about 9:30 Sunday, border no hassle at all, headed up the road from there. We usually take the back route from Gila Bend on 238 over to Maricopa. It's a pretty drive, but definitely a more dangerous road, as was proven again yesterday. As we rounded the last series of curves before coming to Mobile, I saw what I thought was a huge dust devil and then black smoke in it, about 1/2 mile ahead. I'm still trying to forget the image of coming up on the scene.

A young guy, maybe late 20's named Michael (from Peoria), had veered off the road, traveled several hundred yards along the gully, taking out fence posts and barbwire, then came back onto the road and apparently lost it. The truck had flipped and thrown him out and was on fire, he was laying in the middle of the road. As we were approaching, a small pug dog came running up the road towards us - his dog. We tried to grab it, but it jumped into the car of the people that pulled up behind us. It was singed from the fire.

I'm not sure what it is, but suspect so many years in the Navy flips a switch in me when encountering something like this. I immediately ran over to the guy, someone else was walking away from him as the fire from the truck was intensifying. He was only about 10 yards from the truck. Is there anybody else in the truck? No. Is he still alive? Barely breathing, no movement. Ran back to my truck, Connie, gimme a blanket out of the back seat (always have two Mexican blankets in the back seat). Ran back to Michael. By now, more guys had arrived on the scene. You, you, and you, get over here. Help me get him on the blanket and get him away from this truck before it blows. I know you should never move someone that's injured, but I wasn't about to watch him fry in the middle of the highway. We picked him up in the blanket and got him a safe distance from the truck, which was now a raging fire, popping and exploding. One of the guys was an off-duty EMT. Another guy went and got a canvas tarp from his truck and several people held it up for shade. Michael was in pretty bad shape. A burn on the arm with blackened skin peeling off. Cut to the back of the head. Bloody saliva from mouth and nose. We held his head to keep him from moving it and same with his legs. He seemed to be slipping in and out, but was occasionally responsive when we talked to him.

This is a bad place to be in a wreck. You are far away from any kind of help. We did the best we could until emergency crews arrived and took over. They got him stabilized and sedated, then the Life Flight chopper arrived. I have to say, the two Life Flight doctors were two of the most professional I've ever seen in action. They got him stabilized and aboard the chopper very quickly. The sheriff said the road would be shut for several hours - the fatality team was on it's way to do an investigation. We turned around and drove back to Gila Bend, then came to Phoenix on I-8.

Today, the whole thing is still haunting me. I don't know if Michael made it or not and I have no way of finding out. He is in my prayers.

People, please. Slow down and be very careful out there.
WoW... that must have been Horrific as you said... CUDOS to you for your quick thinking and fast actions to pull him away from his burning truck... GREAT JOB STUART...


Thanks to you Stuart for your quick action. Hopefully he will pull through. I usually also use the 238 coming from Ahwatukee and must say it's not my favorite part of the trip. It sure beats having to go down to the I-8 and its a lot flatter to. I most often leave pre-dawn when I head out to RP and if it's a new moon, I'll take the I-8. 238 is just to dark and scares me too much. And if you get behind an 18 wheeler going 40MPG, you are dead.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Wow... those are indeed very humbling situations that keep you thinking, and keep you thankful for your own blessings...

I rarely take that 238 road anymore - especially if I'm towing the boat. It is just an easier trip to run up the 85 to the I-10. I'd rather deal with Phoenix traffic than that nasty little 2-laner.

You're a good samaritan, Stu. Good on ya for your cool head in a stressful situation.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hey Stu-

Wait.... you didn't think that little emergency side-story was going to adequately deflect attention away from the fact that your wife out-fished you again, did you...?



SR 238, also know as Mobile Road and Dead Cow Road is a very dangerous road. Everybody thinks it is the fastest way from the East Valley to Gila Bend in route to the dunes, San Diego, and Mexico. While it is 11 miles shorter than going on I-8, the driving time is the same due to reduced speed limits and having to drive the length of Gila Bend. I was almost involved in a very nasty accident on 238 and don't go that way anymore. It was the most dangerous part of my drive to RP. The road is a narrow 2-lane road with sharp curves. Everybody is in a hurry passing those who drive anywhere close to the speed limit. There are semis, garbage trucks, and motor-homes pulling 35' enclosed trailers being passed at 75+ mph between the corners. A head-on collision waiting to happen. Not to mention flooded washes when it rains and a history of cattle on the road...usually dead. We had car trouble out there one time. The cell phone wouldn't work so we limped along until it did. Called AAA to request a tow truck and after 15 minutes of trying to explain where we were, we gave up. They insisted we were in the Tucson area. Thankfully we weren't calling for medical assistance. Do yourself a favor and take the safer route...347 to 84 to I-8.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hey Stu-

Wait.... you didn't think that little emergency side-story was going to adequately deflect attention away from the fact that your wife out-fished you again, did you...?

Oh, you noticed. Darn. Well, she usually does because she has a good captain and gentleman that baits her hook, lets her drop first, and removes all her fish before he even gets a line in the water. (Yeah, I know... more weak excuses on my part. The fish just like her side of the boat better, dammit!)


Never thought to do this before, but here's how Mapquest see's it:

I-8 W 54 mins / 54.12 miles

W Maricopa Rd 55 mins / 42.49 miles

And that doesn't take into consideration that the I-8 route skirts Gila Bend to the south right to 85S.



2 salty dawgs
took 238 back in January in my empty F150 coming back from a job inb Yuma - I wanted to see what the road was really like for myself. pretty smooth pavement for the most part, but lots and lots of dips thru the washes,and I decided the 12 miles less wasn't worth driiving my 27' class C on that route. Not sure if the 85 connection on the east side of Gila Bend is completye, but that was a mess earlier this year also. 347 to 84 to I-8 - easy, wide and safe - take the easy route.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
she has a good captain and gentleman that baits her hook, lets her drop first, and removes all her fish before he even gets a line in the water.

LOL... try it with a wife AND two daughters sometime... I guarantee a man can indeed cover a full 26 mile marathon simply by doing laps on his 24 foot boat during a day of fishing with the girls... :)
We were coming through Gila Bend at around 5:30 last night and the detour signs were just being removed at that point - the road was closed down until then.


going down Sunday on the road saw all the emergency equipment must have just missed it.what a terrible thing to see.


Fast thinking and quick action on your part Stu! Undoubtedly your actions played on part on the outcome of this man's life. Superb job!

Thanks for the warning on this route!
A terrible thing to witness and be invovled in for sure. From the sound of it, he was not restrained and was ejected thus sustaining potentially (probable) life threatening injuries. This, compounded by the extened response time from emergency personell due to the rural location of the accident makes a terrible prognosis. While the outcome may have not been in his favor, your actions certainly played a positive role in the minutes from the time of the accident until he was transported to the hospital. Im sure it put him and the family at ease.

I have been in terrible accidents twice in my life. I still remember to this day the people I did not know that went out of their way to help me. It calmed be down and put me at ease.

If you REALLY want to know what happened, watch the local newpapers or contact the closest trauma centers which would probably be Good Sam, County or St Joes. You might also try the Sheriffs Dept that responded.

Kudos to you Stu.

Bet you like fishing better that being at the scene of an accident.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Update: After numerous calls to agencies, Det. Donaldson from the MCSO Vehicular Crimes and Fatality Unit (this guy has a job I would NEVER want) called me back today and we discussed the incident. Prognosis on Michael is that he will recover, serious but stable condition. We talked at length. He said it will be a while before Michael is back on his feet - broken leg, smashed hip bone, several broken/cracked ribs, but he is going to make it. His wife was notified, as well as his parents, and were immediately made aware of what had happened. The dog, Adelea, was returned to the family that day and is doing okay.

Det. Donaldson and I discussed a number of things, one of them being that I was surprised such a late model vehicle could turn into a raging inferno so quickly -- I thought recent vehicles had been specifically designed these days to prevent a fire like this in case of a rollover. The officer mentioned something I hadn't considered - when Michael veered off the road, his vehicle took down at least 75 yards of steel fence posts and barb wire designed to keep cattle off the roadway. He said that it is very likely that one of the fence posts ripped open the fuel tank or a fuel line before the truck even rolled, contributing to the instant fireball we witnessed. Makes total sense, once I thought about it.

Also, he lives in Peoria and should of been going up 85 to the West side. However, the new construction at Gila Bend obviously sent him the wrong way, so he had no idea of the road or where he was going. We were actually surprised by this because 85 is now the secondary feeding into 238 - easy mistake to make if you're not familiar with where you're going. The detective confirmed he was driving home from Mexico.

Anyway, it's nice to know what happened and that instead of being a roasted marshmellow in the middle of 238, that Michael is going to make it. Prayers answered and a burden that has bothered my soul for a couple of days now has been lifted. Still -be careful out there. Grace of God, it could have been any of us.


Thanks Stuart for the update. I had looked on the internet for an update, and couldn't find anything regarding this accident, so I appreciate all you did and the new status.


I was coming back Sunday morning between Gila Bend and Mobile, approx. 10:30 a.m. when the the road was closed. Helicopter was on the road and they were loading a blue body bag in an ambulance. I did not see if they had already loaded someone in the helicopter. We only had to wait ten minutes or so and they let us pass. It was a motorcycle off the road and three other riders standing by their bikes. Did anyone else see this or hear anything? It looked like the rider was going to fast for the corner and ran off the road.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I was coming back Sunday morning between Gila Bend and Mobile...
If that's true, then it was a very busy and deadly weekend on Dead Cow Highway. (didn't hear of this... the accident in this post was about 1:00)


Tom the Surfcaster
Wow Stuart, that is a sad and cautionary tale! One friend insists on taking that route while I prefer the i-10 and 85 combo. Goes to show that the least safe part of going to Sonora is driving to and from that wonderful part of Mexico.