I know a direct lender, a private group from Az, which wants to make some conservative loans to Americans and Canadians while prices are so low for some Penasco properties. Beach front or near-the-beach homes and condos are preferred. There are no broker's fees, lender points or bonuses, etc, but you will pay standard legal costs to document the loan. Terms can be up to 5 years and amortizations up to 30 years, or you can choose to pay interest only. Rates will vary from one loan to another based upon the terms chosen, the strength of the covenant to pay, the down payment, etc. Generally, down payments/equity of 33 % or more will be preferred if the sole collateral is the Penasco property. A lien on your real estate north of the border is not essential.
To get the process started PM me info about what you hope to buy, or the value of your clear title property. Alternatively, your agent can handle it for you.
To get the process started PM me info about what you hope to buy, or the value of your clear title property. Alternatively, your agent can handle it for you.