Go down to the Mirador. Get drunk. Stumble out on the beach by Manny's, or back up the street a ways, if it's a busy night. The Black Widow will appear for you when you least expect it. She'll ask you for a cigarette or open with the ever famous-line "You want to f*** my pussy?" When she says "Here, you touch my titties for free!", do it. Then, kiss your wallet good-bye!
He/she/it -- I've never examined the merchandise closely enough to make a determination -- but I believe the Black Widow is a tranny. She preys on drunken gringo men. I've been approached by her a few times, but know better (learned from many years in the Navy and some pretty unsavory places/people). Once she approached me and my 16 yr. old son was with me, so he got a good lesson in what to watch out for and how to escape her entangling webs.
I know at least three guys over the years that weren't so smart and had their wallets picked clean and put back in their pockets without even knowing it until the next morning. She is a pro. Beware!