Cook up a bunch of sausage and set it aside, leaving the sausage grease and some small chunks of sausage in the skillet. Stir some flour into cold milk until it dissolves into a paste and pour it into the hot skillet and start stirring immediately, adding a little more milk as you stir. Pretty quickly it will start looking like gravy. Hammer it with salt and pepper, then pour it over the biscuits you just took out of the oven and eat it with fried eggs and the rest of the sausage. Chase it with an aspirin and don't forget your Zocor before you go to bed.
For country fried steak or pork chops, just dredge the meat in flour and toss it in a skillet with oil. If you want a thicker coat, dip the meat in a beaten egg before putting it in the flour. Don't forget to add lots of salt and pepper. Make gravy the same as with the sausage except it isnt necessary to leave in any chunks of meat.
I've had to learn how make my favorite artery cloggers because my wife refuses to make (or eat) that kind of stuff anymore.
The hardest part will probably be finding gringo sausage in Rocky Point unless you bring it with you. It just wouldn't be the same with chorizo.