The problem with fishing nets

That was wonderful! I wish we could get our local paganero gill netters to cease and desist their dispicable practice. I have found 3 propose skulls already this year in the La Pinta estuary area. I have also witnessed them come run their nets right in front of me while I am surfcasting for sea trout. It's no wonder the surfcasting is not what it once was!
One of the locals had a net set right in front of Manys a few weeks ago and after I took a look at it it somehow washed ashore in front of Plya De Oro and boy was it a mess.


The humpback whale video is just amazing, thanks for sharing. What a "feel good" those people must have, that is just beautiful
Gill Nets = Kill Nets...

The problem with gill nets is very evident out at the island and can be seen on the sea lions much too often... this is a video I shot on June 22, 2011 while kayaking out at the island... WARNING... This video contains Graphic Content...


Gill Nets = Kill Nets... Warning Graphic Content - YouTube