It is to protect Mexican businesses, they haul that crap in by the semi load in Mexicali, if you bring in free stuff with no taxes paid, to me you are hurting the people as much as you are helping them, the poor bastard sitting out in Colonia Oriente trying to sell what he has gone around to yard sales buying in Phoenix and now he can't sell it because somebody gave his customer one for free, he will be lining up next for free stuff. Sorry its not a personal attack on you, just how I see it. There is nothing wrong with charity, just that kind of charity. P.S. Its supposed to feel wrong to you, thats why god made you a social worker.
I'm going to take a stab at proving my ignorance here, which can readily be attested to by Roberto, Jerry and Kenny.
I ask this, not to be a smart a$$, but for clearification. Are the people buying those items that the merchants are selling,
the same people for whom the stuff Chari plans to take in are intended? I'm assuming, which is always dangerous, that
Chari's stuff is going to a true charitable cause to be given away and not sold.
Is that difference real or just my imagination? I would not advocate unbalancing the business structure because God knows
they need all the help they can get, but I do believe that there is a place for charity for those in need.
I just realized the first for letters of charity are Chari, oops, that's five letters.
Anyway, Bill, if I am missing something here, I appreciate getting straightened out. I blieve we all want the same things for these people.