Anybody have donations for PP?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi gang,
We are going down Friday morning and taking my 4 by 8 foot utility trailer with some things in it. There is still alot of room if anyone wants me to take donations to Mark...... Let me know by Wed. as we are outta here at 8 on Friday morning.
Thanks y'all


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Come on guys.. Rob, can I pick up some computers? I'm good at hiding stuff under my linens......

AZ Miguel

I hear that we should follow the laws when we are in Mexico from many, this includes smuggling items in without paying the taxes, it this different?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
These are used items, clothing, toys, and other USED stuff for donation. Not new stuff for sale. The aduanales confiscate it for what purpose I don't know since they won't tell you.


Our food distribution has been moved to Saturday the 17th at the center so we could use some rice & beans! Thank you!!


AKA Carnac
These are used items, clothing, toys, and other USED stuff for donation. Not new stuff for sale. The aduanales confiscate it for what purpose I don't know since they won't tell you.
Lj, you are a friend of mine, but still hauling used items down to Rocky Point can be devastating for the small businesses that pay to import used items into Mexico, they call them yarderos, wouldn't it be better to let him grow his business, so that someday maybe somebody from the neighborhoods you are trying to help could maybe get a job, You know I help all I can in Penasco, but I wont bring down anything new or used to give away. If I want to give something to somebody in Penasco, I buy it in Penasco. The aduanales are also there to protect the Mexican Economy, you know they are a part of Hacienda ( Mexican IRS) and are Fiscal Police or tax collectors. If you look at they're uniforms they say POLICIA FISCAL.
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I had no idea that charity was against the law........I never heard of yarderos either....I can't believe you would have to PAY to import used stuff.........That seems wrong to me........


AKA Carnac
I had no idea that charity was against the law........I never heard of yarderos either....I can't believe you would have to PAY to import used stuff.........That seems wrong to me........
It is to protect Mexican businesses, they haul that crap in by the semi load in Mexicali, if you bring in free stuff with no taxes paid, to me you are hurting the people as much as you are helping them, the poor bastard sitting out in Colonia Oriente trying to sell what he has gone around to yard sales buying in Phoenix and now he can't sell it because somebody gave his customer one for free, he will be lining up next for free stuff. Sorry its not a personal attack on you, just how I see it. There is nothing wrong with charity, just that kind of charity. P.S. Its supposed to feel wrong to you, thats why god made you a social worker.

GV Jack

Snorin God
It is to protect Mexican businesses, they haul that crap in by the semi load in Mexicali, if you bring in free stuff with no taxes paid, to me you are hurting the people as much as you are helping them, the poor bastard sitting out in Colonia Oriente trying to sell what he has gone around to yard sales buying in Phoenix and now he can't sell it because somebody gave his customer one for free, he will be lining up next for free stuff. Sorry its not a personal attack on you, just how I see it. There is nothing wrong with charity, just that kind of charity. P.S. Its supposed to feel wrong to you, thats why god made you a social worker.
I'm going to take a stab at proving my ignorance here, which can readily be attested to by Roberto, Jerry and Kenny.

I ask this, not to be a smart a$$, but for clearification. Are the people buying those items that the merchants are selling,
the same people for whom the stuff Chari plans to take in are intended? I'm assuming, which is always dangerous, that
Chari's stuff is going to a true charitable cause to be given away and not sold.

Is that difference real or just my imagination? I would not advocate unbalancing the business structure because God knows
they need all the help they can get, but I do believe that there is a place for charity for those in need.

I just realized the first for letters of charity are Chari, oops, that's five letters.

Anyway, Bill, if I am missing something here, I appreciate getting straightened out. I blieve we all want the same things for these people.
Jack... I know all the items we get are taken to the community center and given to those in need and by that I mean people that have no money to buy new or used items...

One time we did set up a day where the Police and Fire Dept could come to the center and get clothes but this was the over 800 pounds of clothes donated to us by our neighbor (a mexican national) who gave up trying to run a segunda because hacienda or some one from there would come by every week demanding more money than she (Olga) would be making trying to sell the clothes... and in no way is Olga a wealthy person monitarilly, but she is an angel and an awesome cook that brings me home cooked mexican food 3 to 4 times a week (we love this lady)...
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GV Jack

Snorin God
Jack... I know all the items we get are taken to the community center and given to those in need and by that I mean people that have no money to buy new or used items...

One time we did set up a day where the Police and Fire Dept could come to the center and get clothes but this the was over 800 pounds of clothes donated to us by our neighbor (a mexican national) who gave up trying to run a segunda because hacienda or some one from there would come by every week demanding more money than she (Olga) would be making trying to sell the clothes... and in no way is Olga a wealthy person monitarilly, but she is an angel and an awesome cook that brings me home cooked mexican food 3 to 4 times a week (we love this lady)...
Mark & Bill..About the legality of taking stuff in. I have a golfing buddy here in GV that takes a pickup load, and I mean load, in about twice a month. He goes in through Nogales and showed me a letter he had from some church that vouched for him. He also speakes fluent Spanish which I'm sure helps. He was stopped the first few times but now they just wave him through. He has been written up in the local paper here a number of times and has done this for years. He goes to yard sales at the end of the day and buys or is given the left overs. He also goes to Walgreens and makes offers on sale items and sometimes they even give him stuff. His favorite item is old tennis balls. He'll drive through villages and toss them out the windows whenever he sees kids. I guess they go crazy for them.

I wonder if, for comfort sake, we got a letter from the community center, that would help if we were to get stopped. Just sayin.

GV Jack

Snorin God
We've had letters before and it did not help.........
Interesting Chari...I wonder how my friend does it. He's certainly not sneaking stuff in. You should see his pickup.
He sometimes has stuff tied to the back and the top. He looks like those Mexican trucks I see on I-10 all the time.
What a shame, you can't even help people who need it most.
I can get the letter from the Mayors office, but they are now asking that the letter be from Mexico City... But the last time Blanca and I went to the Mayors office they also gave us or I should say gave Blanca the name and address to the person in charge of ayudamente or what ever they call it in Sonoyita... but we don't want to abuse that privilege we will only use as a hail mary pass.....


The vendors that go to yard sales here and sell in RP do not pay taxes for it, they pay a lot of mordidas and a few taxes on furniture and such items. It is illegal to bring clothing for resale but it is a common practice. Fayuqueros come north continuously to buy stuff cheap and sell at a great profit in RP.
Bless all you people who bring things for the poor and I hope you have continued luck as a lot of us have had for many years.


I can attest that the letter didn't do a damn thing for us bringing in medical supplies and computers for the community center. Man that weekend sucked....


AKA Carnac
I have never seen any Mexican's running around naked because they were poor, however I have seen some American's running around in Mexico naked, because they were rich. Bring your clothes down and give them away if you like, it is just of no benefit to anybody. I understand it warms the heart of the giver and eases the pocketbook of the receiver, but the town is broke, twice lately the have run more than a month behind meeting payroll's, at least the yardero's or fayuquero's pay some tax and some mordida, part of the tax and mordida will be spent here along with some of the profits of the yardero's. Fayuca is contraband and the word fayuquero is literally a smuggler. Also at least they are working and have people working for them and do spend money. I also do plenty of social service. Why does it have to be bad to work for a living, as the yardero's do.