VIDEO: Jan Brewer Declares Herself Ambassador for Puerto Penasco/Sonora

When she makes up stories of headless bodies being found in the desert of Arizona, does that classify as part of her telling everyone how great Sonora is? Or was she saying the bad guys came across from some OTHER imaginary bordering Mexican state?
I thought this was GREAT! I am going to show this to all my family and friends who are so "scared" to go! Just the AMMO I need!!! Hypocrite or not...we got her on YOUTUBE! Although I almost fell out of my chair when she said "spend your dollars in mexico"! Good stuff....

Absolutely uinreal. Maybe it was the tequila?? Anyway..if Gov Jan is a supporter of ANYTHING mexican other than her gardner I'm all for it. We came in late last night to Las Palomas and heard a number (ok a small number not a lot of people here) talking about this and it all seemed positive, but I'm still not voting for her.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This broad is so dumb its a joke. She needs to take a public speaking/communications course at the local community college. First thing they teach you is not to say UUUGHHH or UUUMMM every 3 words. Shes standing up there mummbling and babbling and in between that every other word is Ugghh,,, uuummm!! Ive heard shes such an alcoholic. Who's the bigger alcy her or John Boehner?! Both of their eyes are always glossy and Brewer cant even speak clearly! Bla bla bla, spend your money in PORTO penasco. Perfect pronunciation...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This broad is so dumb its a joke. She needs to take a public speaking/communications course at the local community college. First thing they teach you is not to say UUUGHHH or UUUMMM every 3 words. Shes standing up there mummbling and babbling and in between that every other word is Ugghh,,, uuummm!! Ive heard shes such an alcoholic. Who's the bigger alcy her or John Boehner?! Both of their eyes are always glossy and Brewer cant even speak clearly! Bla bla bla, spend your money in PORTO penasco. Perfect pronunciation...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
She is so stupid it's incredible!

Find me a politician who isn't... :stir:

If they were smart, they would learn a trade, or go into business, instead of trying to be all "do-goody" and trying to regulate other people's lives.