Another Reason That I Live Here


Here is another reason that I love to live here...

Yesterday was my son's 14th birthday. Today, while I was at work, my wife put on a celebration of the anniversary of his birth. That means that she spent all last night making tamales and pozole, cleaning the house and yard and then today running around picking up kids, organizing things and generally being the great children's servent that many of us become on birthdays.

Unbenownst to us, my son had decided to make this a simulated war with airsoft guns. OK, no problem, just keep them out of the house and wear some eye protection, right? Well, I guess that worked for awhile but a few of his friends went off the reservation.

4 of his friends went out walking around with their little orange tipped weapons, and eventually, one of them shot a cotton candy vendor in the arm (I'm not kidding). The guy got mad and somehow, after the kids had returned to my house, the cops showed up.

The police, armed with real guns, politely asked if they could come in our yard, dogs barking, and very easily identified the guilty parties (the boys admitted it before being asked). The boys were then put in the squadcar and taken away to parts unknown.

I got home about 15 minutes after the dust settled. Before I could even find out who the kids were or think about how I was going to explain anything to their parents, the police brought them back and said that the boys had learned their lesson, but not to let them do it again.

I took advantage of the situation to give my kids a decent lecture and then thought about how much BS this would have caused in the USA.

Sometimes I think that less is more and I always think that common sense should prevail.
One of my most frightening experiences as a parent was when my son was 16. We lived in Texas and I had forbidden him to get one of those. Being smarter than me, he got one anyway and had one of his friends keep it at his house. They were playing at the park with those things and a neighbor called police to report a bushy-haired Mexican with a gun pointed at some clean cut white kids (his lacrosse teammates). He's lucky they didn't shoot first and ask questions later. When they called me, I could've killed him myself. While he learned his lesson, as I'm sure the kids at your house did, I don't envy any of you still raising teens. Whew, glad that's behind me.

El Gato

A policeman showed up on our doorstep one evening (a ton of years ago) and asked for our youngest son as he had been reported as tossing rocks into a neighbors yard (one who always yelled at them for playing too loud, etc.). Our son's name was the only one that the neighbor had heard. So I invited this very tall, large policeman into the house, called for our son. DS stood there looking way, way up to the policeman's face, obviously terrified. The policeman looked way, way down into the face of a terrified four year old (small for his age) and said "this is the perp?" Not what he was expecting. He then announced sentence: DS would remove all rocks that had been tossed into the pool in the morning.

So next morning DS trudged off to his "rock" punishment. His buddies (who hadn't gotten caught) showed up to help. That was the last time they bothered a neighbor.

Those were the old days - common sense prevailed.
Not just a different's a different time! If I got caught doing something wrong in school, and was punished by the teacher, I would get twice (or more) the punishment at home. Now the parents "support" their little darling, and complain to the school administration, or take the district to court!
I am not so sure on that. I think the lesson learned here will be long remembered. And I tend to believe it will make the children remember right from wrong.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
... That means that she spent all last night making tamales and pozole...
mmmmm, Pazole.

Glad your son's friends did not suffer any more "traumatic" consequences...

I agree that anyone who would feel the necessity to involve the cops for getting hit in the arm with a plastic pellet might be over-reacting (just a bit :)) but it's still a good story about the positives that can occur when adults behave like adults and use children's own actions as the basic for valuable life's lessons...

Kids need to understand that other people have the right not to get shot by airsoft pellets against their will...
because those kids were just having a little fun.He should have thought about it before getting the cops involved.Hell ...the direct route ...goes through the criminal justice system...
Different country...different way of handling issues like this.....


I guess I gotta say that those air soft guns bother me somewhat. I grew up owning and shooting guns. My sons all have shot guns from the time they could hold one. The reason I did it was so they could learn to respect what a gun can do and to know how to handle one safely. They were taught to never point a gun at anyone, even if they had just checked and found it was unloaded. They were taught to always look in the chamber after they picked up a weapon. When they were handed a weapon by someone else they did the same, even if they just saw the other person look in the chamber. We camped a lot and would go through 1000 .22s in a weekend. They are both good shooters and as adults they still enjoy shooting.

I worry that kids who don't have real weapons training and have and use the "harmless" 'toy' guns will be prone to make serous mistakes if they ever handle a real weapon. One of my sons got into paintball and he told me he was not very good at it at first because he had to override the cautions about weapons he had learned. He found it difficult to aim the paitball gun at another person and even more difficult to pull the trigger.

In this case I think the police handled it just right. Scare the crap out of the kids but keep them out of the formal justice system.


The vendor could have kept the cops out of ot,You nanny state lovers never owned a Fanner 50 with Greeney Sticking Caps?