Fiesta cruiser shipwrecked, tourist dies

There hasn't been a word in the Phx media about the incident which I think is rather strange seeing as they jump all over any bad news from Rocky Point
Nothing in Tucson either, it is quite odd. Shows you the residual effect of buying extra media time, i.e. the Sonoran billboards, newspaper and TV ads. You won't ever see any Jim Click scandal, for example, that guy pretty much keeps the ad departments in business, which often trump the editorial staff.


Well, they have been working on the boat. It was originally tilted down side toward the sea. It now sits fairly level. A large number of sand bags are now hanging off the shore side along with a long heavy pipe dangling sand bags. Could see sand bags inside on the deck on that side also. The seaward side has a series of wood braces and 'legs' welded to the botttom, out at an angle to brace the thing. The brass props are gone.


I have a home in Tucson and have been away from some time due to my work. Can you tell me anything about the Jim Click issue? I am curious as I was not too happy with my last two car purchases there.


AKA Carnac
FYI, Sherman (Fiesta Cruiser) has been spotted working on the triple decker, Carnival Tour Boat. I had heard he bought it and apparently its true. He must not have too many problems over the beaching of the Fiesta, cause he is back at it. The Carnival is the boat that got stuck in forward gear and plowed into 3 or 4 shrimp boats.
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I'd like to make one more statement regarding this travesty. Setting aside all the rumors and misunderstandings, the facts remain. The man set sail in a closed harbor. He assumed the Captain"s position on an evening cruise ship. Immediately,became beached on a sandbar and beat-up the prop or props on the sand and rocks in an attempt to save face,instead of unloading passengers. When he broke free,he had no steering control and was at the mercy of the rough sea and prevailing winds. He did not have the safety equipment he brags about in his "best boat in Rocky Point" ad. The passengers were terrified and somehow my mother lost her life. Those are pretty much the indisputable facts. Was there even an investigation? And now you tell me the man at the helm is footloose and fancy free! I'm sorry but that does not rest well on me in the U.S. or any other country for that matter!
He-Sherman should not be allowed to walk on a boat,let alone work on one. I'm sorry but my bitterness runs deep. He should be working on a chain-gang!!!!!
today at 11.30 pm They will try to pull the fiesta to the ship yard. 5m high tide. if doesnt happen tomorrow will be, strong wind and that can make not easy to pull it tomorrow. I thin last chance is till Sunday.


I just heard that there was an article in the locall paper that they wuld be repairing it where it is. ??!?!!? It was still there this AM.
today at 11.30 pm They will try to pull the fiesta to the ship yard. 5m high tide. if doesnt happen tomorrow will be, strong wind and that can make not easy to pull it tomorrow. I thin last chance is till Sunday.
Just heard from a friend who was told he needed to move his boat, that they will be moving it at 11:30pm tonight... also heard other reports that it is going to be cut up for scrap and not allowed to go back into service....


Click broke his shoulder,a couple ribs and punctured a lung this morning biking down Catalina highway on his bicycle (hit a rock) Just goes to show that pirates should never ride bikes...
I have a home in Tucson and have been away from some time due to my work. Can you tell me anything about the Jim Click issue? I am curious as I was not too happy with my last two car purchases there.
just got home... I went down to see if they would tow the fiesta away... as of 1:00am the tide was high and the boat was afloat but no one there to tow it away... there were 2 or 3 people on board the fiesta with flashlights, they got there about 10:45pm...

several vehicles stopped on top of the hill and shined their headlights down on the fiesta and then drove off... a couple of people walked down because they also thought it was going to be moved, one of them, an elderly american gentleman named Jim who has been in Rocky Point for about a week stayed and we talked until 1:00am, at that time it was getting pretty chilly, so we decided to head out...
If you ask me, I would say that it is a total disgrace to even think that pathetic bucket of rust might go back into the business of endangering the lives of innocent people. It's just a shame that the local authorities don't show any backbone and enforce the law. This will do more to hinder tourist from going to this area and ironically it's in an effort to protect a tourist promoter who could care less about tourists. "Oh, what a wicked web we weave.................." Or maybe the greedy leading the greedy!!!!!
They weren't able to pull it off on Thursday night...the water was too rough.....were planning to do it the next night...anyone know if they were successful???

I was there Wednesday and Thursday nights (Turs. and Fri. mornings)... each night the tides were high enough to float that boat (I said boat because rust bucket didn't rhyme) I actually saw it bobbing up and down from bow to stern due to the waves, it was completely off the bottom...

My amigo who owns a bigger boat in port that needs to be moved every night they say that they are moving the fiesta is getting tired of wasting his time and diesel moving his boat and they do nothing with this scow... makes you wonder who's running this show..?
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Nice picture, Mark. My camera didn't flash well enough to get the boat...