Fiesta cruiser shipwrecked, tourist dies

I believe I've read just about every thread or article available. And thank all of you for your genuine concern on the passing of my mother. The overall picture I get from the comments is of unsafe and negligent behavior by the owner of the vessel. I deeply urge you good people of Rocky Point to help stand against the influences of people who promote your area under a guise of false pretenses. This will ultimately be your result if he's not made accountable for his actions. My mom lived there for 41 years as much as she did her U. S. residence. We will all miss her,dearly. Take care and God Bless. Charles Fought
I would like to apologize for not looking harder to see that my thread was indeed posted. I jumped a little too fast to the wrong conclusion. Not to make excuses,but I'm a bit of an emotional disaster right now. I hope you'll except my apology. geolizard142
Your explanation of what occurred at the time of the accident is a little confusing. Why were the passengers removed from the ship by the Navy. If the ship was so close to shore, why would there not be any rescue units deployed? The crew obviously had no clue how to handle the emergency situation. There was no logical explanation for the captain to leave dock at any time. The storm warnings were issued long before they set sail...... obviously they were ignored....Why? $$$$ Pesos will never replace the life that was lost....Why was the 80 year woman not one of the first passengers removed from the boat by the Navy???? Women & infants first????? Let alone the elder....
Thank you, seadweller, I couldn't have said it better myself. To push a boat, shall I say, of less than normal merits in adverse conditions when the harbor had been closed is pure wreck less endangerment and than see a person lose their life is not accusable and intolerable! geolizard142
Your explanation of what occurred at the time of the accident is a little confusing. Why were the passengers removed from the ship by the Navy. If the ship was so close to shore, why would there not be any rescue units deployed? The crew obviously had no clue how to handle the emergency situation. There was no logical explanation for the captain to leave dock at any time. The storm warnings were issued long before they set sail...... obviously they were ignored....Why? $$$$ Pesos will never replace the life that was lost....Why was the 80 year woman not one of the first passengers removed from the boat by the Navy???? Women & infants first????? Let alone the elder....
First off, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my father unexpectedly 3 years ago this week, and it still effects me. Regarding your question about the elderly, someone had earlier mentioned that this was an older-age club of some sorts going on this particular night, and that most of the passengers were older as well. Can anyone else confirm or refute this?

And yes, what a terrible tragedy motivated by greed, even after the recent incident in San Filepe when the ship's captain was told not to set sail and several lives were lost.


Geo142, if you click on the "Reply with Quote" tab on the post you want to respond to, not the Reply tab, the contents of that post will appear in your response and we will know what you are referring to. Thanks!
There is one other issue that is unclear to me. It was stated at one point that the Captain of the ship never appeared to sail that evening. So, who was the Captain? Was he self-appointed? Or was there a quick stand-in Captain available for the owner to appoint in charge of his ship? Or did the owner,himself, assume the captain's position? The thread stated that the Captain and the owner were jailed. Or were they one and the same? Food for thought. Can anyone provide the factual information to clarify this for us????? geolizard142
According to the person working that night, the owner made himself Captain. He was the one briefly detained, but I guess quickly let go.. ???
Don't know the laws in Mexico, but in the states, you have to be a licensed "captain" to take "passengers for hire"... and the requirement is pretty stringent...I read somewhere that the owner is American...does Mexico even license non-mexicans as a "captain"???


If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, he looked, talked and seemed like he was an American. At the end of May, we went for a sunset cruise on the Fiesta, and he said he was the new owner, that he had purchased another boat which was going to San Carlos to do sunset cruises as well.


If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, he looked, talked and seemed like he was an American. At the end of May, we went for a sunset cruise on the Fiesta, and he said he was the new owner, that he had purchased another boat which was going to San Carlos to do sunset cruises as well.
He is the owner and indeed American, and he took it upon himself to captain the boat that evening, when the true captain didn't or couldn't show up.. I have been told that he has done this numerous times in the past.
Time for some good old fashioned justice.

Once again I would like to express the "need" for justice against this boat owner. The man willfully and knowingly lead 44 passengers into a horrifying nightmare and left one,very special lady, without her life. And rumor has it he"s out and about,already. That"s also the reason it will continue to happen again. Until someone or someplace stops him and makes him accountable for his negligence, he will continue on his path of mayhem.
I think it's safe to say that we all agree with you. However, you must go to PP police station and raise he**.
Tell them you will them bad publicity. That you will make it known that tourist aren't safe and criminals go unpunished. I guess before you do that, you know need to find out what the pd "report" says. What are "their facts". It seems to me there's lots of speculation on this thread, but we're not really certain of what the official report from PPPD is.
If you went on a quest for justice, I would surely back you up and sign a petition or anything that may be needed. I certainly don't want Sherman or any other "Captain" to put my family or anyone else in danger. It would help teach a lesson to others if this man was held accountable.


There is nothing good about this situation. Yes there is a need for justice. If there were criminal laws broken the Mexican DA will have to move on it. Independent of that, as in the US, one can file a civil suite here in Mexico. If the owner is a US citizen or has assets in the US you might be able to go after those assets in the US as well. I have a Mexican friend here who did that and got a judgement but as usual could find no assets to take. As always, the legal route is long and twisted not to mention expensive. In the US , there would be an insurance company involved, wonder if there is one in this situation.

I do not think the Puerto Penasco Police are the ones to approach. Approaching the US consulate is probably a good idea. Yes there is a lot of speculation here.

We US citizens who have no direct involvement cannot do too much without creating a potential hazard for ourselves. EVen signing a petition could cause you as a non-citizen a problem.
You know, I'm simply amazed and bewildered to see the captain(owner) was briefly detained. I certainly hope it did not inconvenience him in any way. I mean,a man of his stature and dignity should not be burdened with such mundane, trivial occurrences. A boat washed up on shore, a little fuel in the water,putting human lives in danger,a death on a negligent decision,he must be thinking "big deal","all in a day"s work". "why do they think I live down here,because I can get away with it!"
There hasn't been a word in the Phx media about the incident which I think is rather strange seeing as they jump all over any bad news from Rocky Point