Santa Fe Senors!


El Pirata

A pair of "Gringos", thought I was easy to steal, that the technology used in our city was late, never imagined that after leaving a grocery store would be discovered by thieves detector, the click "buzzer" door was installed in the a scandal of a bitch, f^^^king two gringos were more afraid that "Daniel" before the wedding.
According to some information, and the complaint settled at page 295-A of the book XXXV, document signing below the charge of turn of the business called Super Santa Fe, which is located on Benito Juarez Boulevard between Villa and Melquiades Ramon Palacio, the Colombia Lopez Portillo, and is narrated in the complaint that the business became a couple, man and woman, which at leaving the area did not go through boxes, and go through the door, the alarm was activated, so security personnel asked the couple to accompany them to the offices of the establishment, where, when registered, in the bag lady found a bottle of Captain Ron Brand, 750 milliliters, and a second bottle of Vodka in the same capacity, same not paid, so that he notified BANISTER police, the After requesting the presence of the police, arriving minutes later a police patrol local preventive, whose agents are delivered to those who said Carson called Drestach, and Nors `s good, both from Phoenix, Arizona, officially students, who were taken to the offices of assessor judge, who ordered the officers that the couple should remain in police custody, while the above were notified to the holder of ministerial agency in letter number 1831/2011.

This is a real police report and a reporter telling it the way they see things, they should of hired a good attorney..Playa
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Jerks like me occasionally call other racial groups derogatory names but on a personal level get along with everyone (even with those frigging shark finning,Job stealing,humorless Chinese ) but i think a reporter for a Mexican newspaper should class up his rag by not calling people gringos or making anti semitic comments about the jews role abandoned condo projects in printIt just makes the bussboy with a pen look small...
The true version of this story

Rick B. brought an American couple to my office who were distraught because their teenage son and his 15-yr old girlfriend had been arrested the previous day for shoplifting. The man, a lawyer in the States, and his wife had been shopping in the Santa Fe market. With them were the young couple, another daughter and the daughter's friend. They were all staying in a condo at Tessoro for a few days.

The 17-yr old asked dad to buy a bottle of Absolut vodka. Dad said no and continued shopping. The kid didn't put the bottle back on the shelf, saying he was gonna wait til dad hit the checkout and then try again. He said he and the other teens were clowning around with the halloween display near the door and that while playing around must've gotten too close to the alarm at the door and was surprised to be accused of trying to steal the bottle in his hand. He claims never to have seen the other bottle. Store security and the manager say the kid and his girlfriend each had a bottle (he the Absolut and her the bottle of rum) and that they actually left the store with them.

Mom and dad came to see what was going on and tried to make amends by paying for the booze. They even offered to over-compensate the store in exchange for not pressing charges. The store refused and the manager insisted the police do their job and arrest the pair. The cops didn't really want to take the 15-yr girl to the city jail and urged the manager to "settle" with the parents, but again she refused. They had no choice but to arrest them.

I was able to go see the kids, take them food, assure everyone that we'd get them out as soon as we could and I was their interpreter for the process. These things take a long time, but after the long process of taking everyone's statements and a fine being paid, the kids were finally released at about 9pm after they spent more than 24 hrs in the local slammer.

While the cells they were in are stinky and ugly, they had them segregated and it's cleaner than where they keep the regular arrestees. Both kids were scared poopless, and hopefully they've learned a lesson.
I can imagine the stories the kids will be telling when they get back home....and how they will be blown out of proportion....

Although I believe in people being held responsible for their actions....and we weren't there to see who was telling the "whole" story....maybe a little training for the store manager in customer relations is in order???? How much tourist business did she lose for the store....and for the town???
I can imagine the stories the kids will be telling when they get back home....and how they will be blown out of proportion....

Although I believe in people being held responsible for their actions....and we weren't there to see who was telling the "whole" story....maybe a little training for the store manager in customer relations is in order???? How much tourist business did she lose for the store....and for the town???
There were four boisterous teenagers acting up in the store for who knows how long before the incident happened. Just from watching this kid in action, I can imagine that he managed to step on a few toes and piss off the manager and guards even prior to setting off the alarm. So of course when it went off (regardless which version you believe) they were in no mood to cut him some slack. He must've looked like a spoiled child to them. Even when I went to see him in the cell, he had the nerve to ask if I could get him put in the same cell with the girl. I asked if he wanted the Honeymoon Suite. The request seemed logical to him...ridiculous to anyone with real-world experience. He also said "I'm bored, can you ask if they'll let me out for a walk?". The girl was asking for her "one phone call".
I should say that the parents were incredibly patient and obviously good people. They were respectful in every aspect of their ordeal. Even after the kids were released, they expressed gratitude, not anger. They were very upset with their son for what he did and were not the least bit defensive. I have no doubt he got lectured all the way home and they said he was going to be punished.

The kids didn't seem obnoxious at all. They weren't whiny, crying, yelling or disrespectful. It was just painfully obvious that these kids thought they could act here the way they do at home, and it turned out badly. I took the silly things they said (asking to be in the same cell, going for a walk, wanting the phone call, and even their wanting dad to buy them vodka, etc.) to mean they were extemely insensitive and naive, unaware of their surroundings and yes, perhaps somewhat entitled.

An unfortunate incident. I wouldn't have posted about it at all, but thought the above article required some perspective.


If that had happened to me as a kid I wouldn't have been asking to go for a walk or to be in the same cell, because I would have been cr*pp*ng my pants. It would have never happened in the first place though, because I knew that I would be dead if I ever did that kind of stuff and shamed my parents like that, beginning with acting rowdy in the store.
If that had happened to me as a kid I wouldn't have been asking to go for a walk or to be in the same cell, because I would have been cr*pp*ng my pants. It would have never happened in the first place though, because I knew that I would be dead if I ever did that kind of stuff and shamed my parents like that, beginning with acting rowdy in the store.
You're absolutely right. These parents were very apologetic about their son and his behavior. As a 17-yr old he was held more responsible than the 15-yr old girl. To make matters worse, the girl was here without her parents. So these folks had to call her parents and tell them that their little girl spent the night in jail thanks to the boyfriend. Imagine that phone call.


I wouldn't have let my 15 year old daughter go away for the weekend with her 17 year old boyfriend and his parents in the first place. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, I don't know. I understand things are different now, but too much freedom and the lack of a conscience is never a good thing. You're a very compassionate and patient woman, Rosie. :)
I wouldn't have let my 15 year old daughter go away for the weekend with her 17 year old boyfriend and his parents in the first place. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, I don't know. I understand things are different now, but too much freedom and the lack of a conscience is never a good thing. You're a very compassionate and patient woman, Rosie. :)
Thank you Melissa, but many in this community would've done the same thing if they could, even some folks on this forum. Roberto, Lagrimas, Jim, Russ and many others have probably been called on to help tourists at one time or another. I've got some advantages and know how to use them, but I can think of at least 20 people in town who would've gone out of their way to help these people. You're right though about letting a girl that age go away for the weekend with the boyfriend. Not a good idea.


Thank you Melissa, but many in this community would've done the same thing if they could, even some folks on this forum. Roberto, Lagrimas, Jim, Russ and many others have probably been called on to help tourists at one time or another. I've got some advantages and know how to use them, but I can think of at least 20 people in town who would've gone out of their way to help these people. You're right though about letting a girl that age go away for the weekend with the boyfriend. Not a good idea.
I'll remember that the next time I try to steal a bottle from the Tequila Factory. LOL Just kidding! Just trying to lighten up the "tema".
I should say that the parents were incredibly patient and obviously good people. They were respectful in every aspect of their ordeal. Even after the kids were released, they expressed gratitude, not anger. They were very upset with their son for what he did and were not the least bit defensive. I have no doubt he got lectured all the way home and they said he was going to be punished.

The kids didn't seem obnoxious at all. They weren't whiny, crying, yelling or disrespectful. It was just painfully obvious that these kids thought they could act here the way they do at home, and it turned out badly. I took the silly things they said (asking to be in the same cell, going for a walk, wanting the phone call, and even their wanting dad to buy them vodka, etc.) to mean they were extemely insensitive and naive, unaware of their surroundings and yes, perhaps somewhat entitled.

An unfortunate incident. I wouldn't have posted about it at all, but thought the above article required some perspective.
Sorry Rosy...but the kids acted like they were raised....if they were acting "entitled", that's how they have been permitted to act back home!


A round trip in LA county jail, and trust me it's much worse than most penitentiary's, takes at least 24 hours. And yes, people go to jail for shoplifting in the states too. If no one gets them out from the city jail in a short time whatever the charge is, and within a short time, it's a bus ride to county jail to spend at least 24 hour's for the booking and release process with some very scary people.
Most stores in the states prosecute all shoplifters too. Do the crime do the time as they say. I hope they learned something beneficial.....we all need a lesson now and then.
Most stores in the states prosecute all shoplifters too. Do the crime do the time as they say. I hope they learned something beneficial.....we all need a lesson now and then.
Off topic, but it was great meeting you and Mrs. AzBandit on the show Sunday before last. Thanks for stopping by!


............. or making anti semitic comments about the jews role abandoned condo projects in printIt just makes the bussboy with a pen look small...
I can see where the author calls USA natives "gringos" however I could not fnd the anti-semitic comments in either english or spanish version, what do you mean?


A previous article on a los Conchas Pigeon Coop Project that folded and laid off mexican Workers pointed out the developer (Miskin? was Jewish)
I can see where the author calls USA natives "gringos" however I could not fnd the anti-semitic comments in either english or spanish version, what do you mean?