Somebody Caught a REALLY Big Fish this Weekend!

Dan....a few years back my daughter (with her friend) and I rode the jetskiis out to Bird Island. They also swam around for a while...with me telling them not worry about sharks. The following trip down, we stopped at the old dive shop on the way to the Malecon, and found out that some fishermen had caught a great white (just a baby...about 6ft???) at Bird Island that same weekend....Oops!!!

But in your case...that shark was caught a ways outs!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Its just a matter of time before the Whites realize there is a ton of FOOD out at bird island...... if they havent already!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Had a great time this weekend going on The About Time to Bird Island. I took my entire family from my 2 year old grandson to my 87 year old father in-law, there was 12 of us total. I had a hard time getting everyone in the water to snorkel over to the sea lions. I had to assure them that there was nothing in the water that would harm them. My 12 year old granddaughter said don’t sharks eat sea lions? I said don’t worry there are no sharks. So they all got in the water and snorkeled with the sea lions. When we got back we were carrying our stuff up to the truck and my granddaughter ran over to me and said “Papa you got some explaining to do ….” Here is a picture we took of my granddaughter and niece and yes I had a lot of explaining to do.

View attachment 3514
I took a picture of them, too. I hope they gave you hell! Hahhahahah! :puff:


Not something we catch on an everyday basis. In fact, this is the ONLY shark of this size I've taken in over 30 years of fishing the Sea of Cortez. Also, Mr. Jones, just like hunting, you are better off taking the top of the herd, ones that have had a full life and bred many times. Release the younger ones that have a full life of breeding in front of them. They are the ones that will sustain the population.

I'm a sport fisherman, I understand exactly where you're coming from. The decision to take this creature was not made in haste. We were lucky to even catch it, let alone subdue it.

Now this story will just make you sick:



Screw China...they , aided by American corporations have wrecked the American middle class and are destroying the earth.In Bowie Arizona the pecan farmers are booming because they now sell a third of their nuts to China (because the consumers over there believe our crops are safer);the Bowie workers are now making 15 bucks an hour thanks to the crackdown on illegal labor.Getting out of the way an letting business do what they want has wrecked America,sent our jobs to slave countries and forced us into wars around the world to protect our corporate overloads.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Tell us how you really feel, Jerry.
The shark finning thing really sux. Taking one shark sport fishing doesn't wipe out the species. Finning thousands of them does.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Taking one shark sport fishing doesn't wipe out the species. Finning thousands of them does.

Agreed. It's just so stupid that they waste the remainder of the animal - Shark meat is edible (some species like Mako and Thresher are even quite tasty)...

Over harvesting any living stock is bad enough (the farmer's Mosaic rule- don't eat the seed corn); but when you also under-utilize what you've taken... well, I can only shake my head and call it retarded, if not criminal.


the Bowie workers are now making 15 bucks an hour thanks to the crackdown on illegal labor.Getting out of the way an letting business do what they want has wrecked America,sent our jobs to slave countries and forced us into wars around the world to protect our corporate overloads.
Looks like something is working Jerry legal citizens are making money and not on welfare. You are upset about this? This is how a free market works employers need employees, employees work, employers pay employees. then employees go to coffe shop buy breakfeast leave tip, now another employee gets to go spend that money how they want. Now I agree that we have the technology to manufacture anything we want here in the good old USA but I wasn't the one seeking large profits by sending products overseas to be manufactured and I dont own the store who tells manufactures what they will be paid for the product. There are still enough companies in the us that sale only American made products that I can still find what I need.


The Farmers around Bowie were forced by the government to obey environmental laws (EPA) and bitched ll the way to the bank) the healthier wage climate is a result of the crackdown and more importantly big players from Green valley and out of state entering the county that historically pay more. The higher wages have been good for everyone in the area with papers.Now most of the "new" workers are still Mexicans with better papers but they now make a good enough wage to live a ok life and the employers mechanize many of the harder jobs.My main point was this "get big government out of the way and everything will work out because of the invisible hand of the market" just doesn't work in a world where China can cut undercut everyone.
Looks like something is working Jerry legal citizens are making money and not on welfare. You are upset about this? This is how a free market works employers need employees, employees work, employers pay employees. then employees go to coffe shop buy breakfeast leave tip, now another employee gets to go spend that money how they want. Now I agree that we have the technology to manufacture anything we want here in the good old USA but I wasn't the one seeking large profits by sending products overseas to be manufactured and I dont own the store who tells manufactures what they will be paid for the product. There are still enough companies in the us that sale only American made products that I can still find what I need.


Paul Krugman makes the case for the "haters"
The Farmers around Bowie were forced by the government to obey environmental laws (EPA) and bitched ll the way to the bank) the healthier wage climate is a result of the crackdown and more importantly big players from Green valley and out of state entering the county that historically pay more. The higher wages have been good for everyone in the area with papers.Now most of the "new" workers are still Mexicans with better papers but they now make a good enough wage to live a ok life and the employers mechanize many of the harder jobs.My main point was this "get big government out of the way and everything will work out because of the invisible hand of the market" just doesn't work in a world where China can cut undercut everyone.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
{Thread Hijack alert}

Paul Krugman.... really?

Here's Krugman talking about how awesome war is for stimulating faltering economies:

So who's the hater? Could it be the guy who equates death and destruction with economic improvement? Maybe war is more palatable to Krugman than environmental concerns, I don't know; but reducing the EPA does not mean that pollution MUST increase by default (that is invalid Modus Tollens logic)

and here's Krugman (on video) talking about how aliens would easily take care of pulling us out of our economic malaise:

That's right- an alien invasion from outer space would save our economy.

Paul Krugman may have a PhD in Economics, but as far as I'm concerned, he is clearly a nut.

If you'd like to discuss this one some more Jerry- Let's swing over to the Politics forum.

{/Thread Hijack Alert}

Nice video Tom!

What bait did the shark eat?


Just watched the video of the shark. Note to the guys in the red flowered shirt. The 80's just called and want their shirt back!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
The shark ate a small piece of squid on a deep-drop 12/0 circle hook rig. We were fishing for goldspots, not shark, near the Witches Hat. I thought we had a black seabass at first, but it never decompressed on the way up and, as you can see, was still plenty lively at the boat. The reel (Daiwa 450H Sealine with 80 lb. PowerPro) was NOT bringing it up. Even with the drag locked down, the shark was still pulling line whenever it wanted. I eventually put on my gloves and gently hand-lined the shark to the surface. That took the better part of an hour, because sharks like it near the bottom and this one insisted on heading back that way quite regularly. After several failed attempts at tail-roping it, I was sure it was going to break off. That's usually the way this story ends and I've heard it from many that have hooked up large makos, Ric included. I don't have a flying gaff or tail roper on board -- I never actually fish for shark. So, dock line in hand, and after numerous attempts, we managed to actually get the rope around the tail and cinch it down. Poor Wendell got tail slapped in the face twice during this process -- I commend him for his vigilance! At that same moment we actually roped it, the shark threw its head and broke the fishing line. Having a plan helped, but lady luck definitely had a say in catching this fish! If it would have broken off, oh well, Shark 1, Stuart 0. For a change, the home team actually won this battle! This was more than deep-sea fishing. It was a heck of an adventure! After the shark died, it took all four of us to pull it up between the motors and get it on deck -- with the business end facing out the back of the boat just in case it wasn't as dead as I thought it was. Larry tape measured it at over 9 ft. tip of nose to tip of tail and we estimated weight to be at least 285 lbs., probably over 300.


Sorry for being late to the thread, but I had family issues requiring travel.

Here's a group picture with the shark, which is appropriate because the entire group was needed to land this beast. We could not have landed one much bigger under the circumstances.



I was sitting on the beach today in front of Las Palomas when I saw a Carnival cruise ship go by. I'd swear I saw the boat crash into a large school of Great White Sharks. There were a lot of Asians on the ship. Maybe they were Chinese?


I feel compelled to say this again. The 80's are calling and want that red flowered shirt back!


OK, Reportjones, I'm finally gonna take the bait on your red flowered shirt jabs.

Apparently you're either too young or too old to remember the 80s correctly. Gaudy red shirts with huge flowers had not yet arrived in the 80s and would not arrive at least until the late 90s. I confirmed this with my adult children who pay more attention to such matters than I do. Nevertheless, I appreciate your clothes counseling since my own sartorial interests seldom go beyond making sure I'm at least wearing shirts, pants, shoes, etc. in places where such attire is expected. I don't pay much attention to what other guys are wearing and only notice things have gone out of style when the stores quit stocking them. Thus your not-so-subtle hint is greatly appreciated. Next time I drop by J.C. Penneys to grab 3 shirts in 3 minutes I'll stock up on solid polos, which never go out of style. Happy now?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
You mean I should't be wearing my nehru jacket anymore?? Wow. Times change fast!