Thanksgiving weekend roll call - version 2011

Rob/ you have any freezer space available for turkeys???.....might be a good idea to try to bring them down before Thanksgiving weekend...with the checks they're doing at the border....wouldn't want to have everything confiscated then!
Joe... we can probably find room for one, if someone wants to bring down an "early bird"...
Well...I should be down in Oct (got a couple birthdays to help celebrate) will try to sneak an illegal bird across....


I am coming down next weekend I will pack one in my duffle bag wrapped in clothes then throw it in the ice when we cross the border


2 salty dawgs
we'll bring the plates, silverware, and napkins as before, and some type of snacks.
and another batch of margs and a sippin bottle :)
can't wait!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, none of you guys ever saw me in anything but a swim suit and pareo or shorts and a tank top. I do have real dresses and make up........LOL!


I'll have 4-5 six foot tables, one eight foot skinny table and some chairs. Val always does a turkey and some side dishes. I'll talk to Mom and Dad... It has worked out so well the last few years. Thanks for all the help!


We always have extra turkey so I'll bring a nice spiral ham with the extra goodies. I'll be down next weekend and biker weekend.


Michelle and I will be bringing down at least 1 turkey on Biker weekend. as well as the deep fryers and burners..Do we want to do the chicken wings again this year?
I've already got a 35 lb. container of peanut oil I'm bringing down this weekend. If anyone wants to try deep frying a ham, bring it....last year I couldn't find a NON-spiral wrapped one in the supermarkets right before Thanksgiving....they get scorched on the outside, but inside...VERY juicy!!!

AZRob has a double burner deep fryer (I've got a single one I could also bring down).

Depending on whether Rosemary comes down or not...we should be able to use the covered patio if the weather is not cooperative (last year it was a bit chilly and windy).
Michelle and I will be bringing down at least 1 turkey on Biker weekend. as well as the deep fryers and burners..Do we want to do the chicken wings again this year?
those were great appetizers....with the 2 different suaces (hot/spicy and barbecue).