I have been going to PROP auctions since they were at the Round table pizza.
I battle with my self about taking down my tank. It's a love hate relationship.
Matt, I went to the FRAG forum and saw your picture- I do remember you.
I miss going to the FRAG meetings, but nowadays I can't pass on the chance to get out on the boat whenever the wind lets me.
I thought that taking down my aquarium (which had been up for 10 years now) would be harder than it turned out to be- once it was empty and cleaned out I realized it was going to be really nice not having to worry about "who's gonna feed the fish" and "what if the electricity goes out while we're in Mexico, etc...."
Have fun in Penasco this weekend. :mexico:
If we're ever down on the same weekend and you want to get out and catch some fish offshore just let me know.