Corvina at the Spit North of Santo Tomas


My buddy was down at Santo Tomas showing some people around we want to get to build the ultimate small beach house for and took my atv up to the Spit. In one hour he caught 20 good sized Corvina in an hour...Kenny ..Human Joe...we need to get back down!
As it filled up (huge tide on Saturday) matt said the water went from blue as blue to green as millions of small fish filled it with hundreds of Pelicans diving at the fish..wolves of the the sea(sorry I just read "Whitefang) on my forty nine dollar wireless Kobo Reader from the Borders "F"ed up royally goin out of comes with 101 books!
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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
My buddy was down at Santo Tomas showing some people around we want to get to build the ultimate small beach house for and took my atv up to the Spit. In one hour he caught 20 good sized Corvina in an hour...Kenny ..Human Joe...we need to get back down!
As it filled up (huge tide on Saturday) matt said the water went from blue as blue to green as millions of small fish filled it with hundreds of Pelicans diving at the fish..wolves of the the sea(sorry I just read "Whitefang) on my forty nine dollar wireless Kobo Reader from the Borders "F"ed up royally goin out of comes with 101 books!
Im glad we differentiated me from DOG JOE! Jerry you tell me when and Im there!!!!