Pet papers and passport


Came thru Friday about 7PM. Mexico agents wanted to see my Passport, Car registration and papers for my two dogs. Didn't check the contents of the car. Caution, if you get the red light and have dogs they will ask for papers


AKA Carnac
I stopped last week on the Mexican side to declare a new gas engine, a gas engine air compressor and a new water pump, I had my dogs, dog food and dog snacks. the agent came over looked in my pickup, never said a word about anything and went back to the office came up with a figure of 360.00 pesos, I went to the bank and paid the money and was on my way.


Funny, but we've been stopped a couple of times by the guy who sits on the right hand side just past the light! He's asked for our dogs' papers EVEN THOUGH we had the GREEN LIGHT! This last time, Rafael (DH who is a Mexican Citizen), basically told him FO because we had a green light and he had no right to stop us. LOL! We always carry the dogs' papers, but I guess DH was in a fiesty mood that day..LOL!

El Gato

When we came through last Sept with our car loaded to the gills and our cat in his case between us we got the green light - only they took one look at our car and motioned us over to be checked. They glanced in the car briefly - had DH open the truck - which I had used as a suitcase - said, "okay, have a good trip" in Spanish. Never asked to see the cat's papers - which we actually had. I think the red/green light is a random thing - but they have the option of changing their minds if they want to. Every time we've come through they have been very nice.


Red ight , Green light

The red/green light is just an automated control, randomly selecting who is to be inspected, for the convenience of the inspectors. If you get the green you can still be stopped for inspection at the discretion on the ADUANA staff. Getting the green is not a 'pass' on inspection.

I arrived at the border 6 years ago, after dark maybe 10 PM. Largest UHaul trailer available, full sized pickup loaded. I looked like an Okie headed to Cali during the dust bowl. Had prepared a sort of inventory and prices of all the stuff I had, mostly used furniture and bicycles. Ignorent of procedure I did not stop to pay and got the green and started through. Frantic waving of an armed ADUANA agent got my attention and I stopped. He opened the trailer and a bunch of junk fell out. He was jumping up and down saying I needed an importer. I said where do I pay. He walked to the side of the truck, looked around and held out his hand behind him and said "under the wire, $100" I paid and drove through !! As I was pulling out of Sonoita a vehicle behind started flashing it's lights, oh crap stopped again. It was some US folk who told me the trailer door was partially open! Some stuff probably fell out but I just headed to my new home.:cruisin::cruisin:


El Pirata
Yea they will take your dog if you have no papers. My neighbor had a dog that barked all night and guess where he is living...


Crossing the border at Lukeville
On my trip to RP they didn't stop or ask a thing south bound at Lukeville AZ. But coming back the US ask for passports and asked if we were bringing in any waepons of mass destruction. I laughed and said no.
Then asked about my miniture french poodle in the back seat. I said she was a Chihuahua going into Mexico and now she turned into a french Poodle coming back.
He laughed and said have a great day.


What papers do y'all usually bring to RP for your pets? We bring our two dogs every time with out any problems. We bring their shot records. We hand them to the border guards with our passports and they don't ever look at them. We have never been questioned about them going into MX. I am aware that you are supposed to bring some sort of certificate from your vet that is good for ten days and is $90 per pet. I hope they don't start asking for those papers.