Got the Secondary Inspection Yesterday


the star of Texas would be there.

As Roberto is well aware of too, as we both have lived in N.M. for some years (7 for me) the Patron is alive and well in New Mexico as well... As Joe's post says, there is a class distinction within the conquistadors when it comes to color, and I've heard "I'm a light skinned Spaniard" come out of the mouths of people born and raised in New Mexico. Though N.M. has varied and broad ethnic culture's, there is still a undercurrent of prejudice and bigotry that flows freely there. One thing though... If you had a Totem pole for N.M., and the one at the bottom was just that, the star of Texas would be there.:-D
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
Debt peonage essentially locks in generations of labor by fronting money to the peon and before he can pay it off you give him more.

The Spanish economic system was built on the Feudal System. Mexico was built on the Feudal System and that system is HIGHLY dependent on CHEAP LABOR. How do you keep labor cheap? By creating social class and RACISM. Finally, in short, the white Spaniard is above the Spain-exican, The Spain-exican is above the Mestizo, and the Mestizo is above the un assimilated indian and or African slave. NOTHING has changed, TODAY in MEXICO this social class still exists. The lighter Mexicans have money and power and the Darker Mexicans provide the cheap debt peon labor. Inter-Mexican Racism, KEEP THE BROWN DOWN and KEEP THEM WORKING CHEAP....

Interesting viewpoints....

I don't want to derail this discussion too much further, but little do most people know (or recognize) that today, the entire WORLD is subject to the Feudal System. All National currencies (including the almighty US Dollar) are instruments of debt designed to keep governments enslaved to bankers, and citizens enslaved to governments... There is no such thing as a free person, unless that person is a multi-national corporation (like General Electric) who pays no tax to any government.

Do you, Mr average American, think you are free? Do you think you own your house just because the mortgage is paid off? Hah- just fail to make a single property tax payment, and you will find out very quickly who really owns your house. The title on your land says you are a TENANT IN COMMON. You are not the sovereign owner unless you have successfully legally maneuvered to have your land transferred to an Alloidial Title.

So, when I see discussions about racism (which is simply another form of illogical preferential treatment based on the color of people's skin), what I see is smoke in mirrors. The truth is exactly as Joe has laid it out-

People rely on a false illusion based on some arbitrary status symbol (like skin color, national heritage, or the fact that you drive a BMW) to somehow elevate themselves above the "need" to do real work, but this phenomonon exists on a much more global scale than simply Mexico....
Interesting viewpoints....

I don't want to derail this discussion too much further, but little do most people know (or recognize) that today, the entire WORLD is subject to the Feudal System. All National currencies (including the almighty US Dollar) are instruments of debt designed to keep governments enslaved to bankers, and citizens enslaved to governments... There is no such thing as a free person, unless that person is a multi-national corporation (like General Electric) who pays no tax to any government.

Do you, Mr average American, think you are free? Do you think you own your house just because the mortgage is paid off? Hah- just fail to make a single property tax payment, and you will find out very quickly who really owns your house. The title on your land says you are a TENANT IN COMMON. You are not the sovereign owner unless you have successfully legally maneuvered to have your land transferred to an Alloidial Title.

So, when I see discussions about racism (which is simply another form of illogical preferential treatment based on the color of people's skin), what I see is smoke in mirrors. The truth is exactly as Joe has laid it out-

People rely on a false illusion based on some arbitrary status symbol (like skin color, national heritage, or the fact that you drive a BMW) to somehow elevate themselves above the "need" to do real work, but this phenomonon exists on a much more global scale than simply Mexico....
Robert....all I can say about the section in red is OMG!!!!

BTW, you might want to check out the following article instead of believing all those 10-15 second news bites out there....


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Well, my post above was meant to stir the pot (of thought) a little bit... :), but, truth is truth- there is no national currency in existence today that is not a debt liability against the citizenry. That's why the US is $14 Trillion in debt (equating to a completely un-payable 400k plus for every US citizen)

As for the WashingtonPost Story- I rate the WashingtonPost right up there with the New York Times- both are endeared to the establishment.

I'll stick with Forbes and zerohedge for my Financial News:

What GE pays in income taxes, it saves (with interest) in other tax favors- the company maintains a goal to be tax-neutral year over year.

But my point was simple- Racism, legal favoritism and other "divide and conquer" tactics are "false fronts" that serve to pit people against each other so that the "privileged" few can remain privileged...
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
Oh, and I'll also add regarding my point above about alloidial land title, that even Alloidal Title does not exempt you from property taxes... but it does make it about 100 times harder for "them" to legally kick you off your land in a tax dispute.


But my point was simple- Racism, legal favoritism and other "divide and conquer" tactics are "false fronts" that serve to pit people against each other so that the "privileged" few can remain privileged...
But we've made tremendous gains in catching up, after all it wasn't that long ago when only the "privileged few" could legally own dogs in big parts of Europe. Now not only can anyone own them, they get to walk around after them with little bags and a scoop.:woo:
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I'm unclear why a register of birth at the consulate is relevant to crossing the border - are you describing the process for registering an achor baby? Nobody deserves to be treated like dirt, but statistically speaking, yes - A Mexican national crossing the border is going to fit the drug smuggling/cartel profile more closely than say a caucasion who is also a US citizen.

The US border agents (regardless of color) are not allowed to racial profile, but I'm sure the Mexican agents abide by a different set of rules.
This post has gotten off-topic, but I feel the need to answer this particular poster. Stuart - I will keep this civil on my end.

The register of a birth at the Mexican consulate is not relevant to crossing the border other than the fact that I was using it as an example of how Mexicans sometimes treat each other.

As for the "anchor baby" label - there is no such thing. Children born in the US to Mexican parents do not automatically guarantee that the parents will not get deported. If you think otherwise, do your research and think again. I personally know families where the parents worked at the same place, both have been caught and deported even though they have children who are US Citizens. Those children do not guarantee the parents any rights whatsoever.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
This post has gotten off-topic, but I feel the need to answer this particular poster. Stuart - I will keep this civil on my end.

The register of a birth at the Mexican consulate is not relevant to crossing the border other than the fact that I was using it as an example of how Mexicans sometimes treat each other.

As for the "anchor baby" label - there is no such thing. Children born in the US to Mexican parents do not automatically guarantee that the parents will not get deported. If you think otherwise, do your research and think again. I personally know families where the parents worked at the same place, both have been caught and deported even though they have children who are US Citizens. Those children do not guarantee the parents any rights whatsoever.
MIS2810 is right. I also personally know undocumented immigrants with American born children who were deported. It happens every day.... There is NO SUCH THING as an anchor baby!


AKA Carnac
MIS2810 is right. I also personally know undocumented immigrants with American born children who were deported. It happens every day.... There is NO SUCH THING as an anchor baby!
My step daughter Yadira, has 3 U.S. born kids and an American husband and is being deported, because she didn't come over legal to begin with. It costs me about 2000.00 every 6 months for her attorney to delay the inevitable. Sooner or later they are gonna come for her.