Interesting viewpoints....
I don't want to derail this discussion too much further, but little do most people know (or recognize) that today, the entire WORLD is subject to the Feudal System. All National currencies (including the almighty US Dollar) are instruments of debt designed to keep governments enslaved to bankers, and citizens enslaved to governments... There is no such thing as a free person, unless that person is a multi-national corporation (like General Electric) who pays no tax to any government.
Do you, Mr average American, think you are free? Do you think you own your house just because the mortgage is paid off? Hah- just fail to make a single property tax payment, and you will find out very quickly who really owns your house. The title on your land says you are a TENANT IN COMMON. You are not the sovereign owner unless you have successfully legally maneuvered to have your land transferred to an Alloidial Title.
So, when I see discussions about racism (which is simply another form of illogical preferential treatment based on the color of people's skin), what I see is smoke in mirrors. The truth is exactly as Joe has laid it out-
People rely on a false illusion based on some arbitrary status symbol (like skin color, national heritage, or the fact that you drive a BMW) to somehow elevate themselves above the "need" to do real work, but this phenomonon exists on a much more global scale than simply Mexico....