First time I went to Playa Mia, was in 1987 it was an oyster farm and called Sincronizada.. It was owned by the Monson family. In 1997 rain and high winds from hurricane Nora hit that side of RP first and destroyed the oyster farm and that ended that, Shortly after Manuel Monson Jr. started staking off areas in front of Sincronizada and started seeding clams.. He staked of the areas to keep track of time the clams had to grow..He also set nets tied between wood posts for fish.. I was out there years ago when the tied went out Manuel and my wife and I walked to the nets and there was a huge shark tangled up in one...So now about Playa Mia. The Monson family sold the property in the early 2000's.. Jose is in charge of sales, I have been in his office a few times he has a site plan of the subdivision and shows maybe 50 to 60 lots sold. I went to a party Jose put on out there a few months ago for owners and all of them seemed happy.. Thats about all I know..