Why is our Border wide open ?


politico reports the deal is so good that little fanatic speaker of the house might not be able to stop passage…
Politico, ok. Typical Gerald eating propaganda for dinner.

Here’s the deal :

This Senate $118 BILLION “Border Bill” is PURE BS. ⚠⚠⚠

First off, MORE funding for ENDLESS foreign wars in Ukraine, and Israel to the tune of $60 BILLION, and $14 BILLION respectively. Why does foreign wars come into a border bill ???

5,000 illegal aliens per day allowed,

150,000 illegal aliens per month.

1,800,000 illegal aliens per year.


$2.3 BILLION to be allocated for additional “refugee resettlement” in the United States.

Oh, and to make it even WORSE, this bill says that if an illegal alien is deported, they have recourse to return after one year.

The fact that they thought this would be ok to even have a vote on, is in itself TREASONOUS.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said that this bill will NOT even be voted on by the GOP House.

When are you going to realize that our hijacked Government ABSOLUTELY HATES US???

And Gerald say the deal is so good, it’s irresistible

Still riding the short bus Gerald




Border Patrol union wants it but Trump says no. I hope the Ukrainians can hold on. Such a brave people fighting those Russian pigs .
Seems to have been another shoot-out in Sonoyta earlier today, person posted on FB who posts regularly.
If this stuff keeps happening, our little beach town will suffer mucho.

Posted at 9AM Tuesday
"We just crossed the border with the agent telling us that there has been shooting in Sonoyta and they may be closing the border for a few hours,
there was a huge police presence going thru town with some roads blocked off. Just a heads up if your heading up today.

As you are heading up to the border, just before mile marker km7 there are the marines doing a checkpoint, four trucks and many marines…very nice but rather intimidating if you’ve not seen it before."



Thank you for the heads up! As someone who has defended the safety and innocence of traveling down there, I am now having second thoughts. I see a lot of construction by gringos going on there. I wouldn't invest a damn thing down there now!


Larry wants a issue not a solution…ho hum….and never actually adds anything to the forum. Do you even have a house there anymore?


Larry fears bus boys and housekeepers looking for a new start more than Trump fanatics armed with machine guns .
What a wimp.


Corndog, can you believe anyone would do this ? “During this process, Markson supplied auditors with a document that appeared to show that a third-party testing company had conducted all of the necessary safety testing on the wing pins. In fact, this document was a forgery created by Markson.”


El Pirata
I remember Lagrimas telling me about this.
Guy portrayed like fundraising for Penasco but we know most of these people aren’t actually helping people they are helping themselves.