Gas Prices


With present gas prices, AMLO is letting Pemex make a profit on the backs of some of the poorest people north of the equator.


With present gas prices, AMLO is letting Pemex make a profit on the backs of some of the poorest people north of the equator.
Mexico subsidises gas prices here in Mexico. Mexico does not refine enough gas to provide all the needs in Mexico, so it has to import about 65% of it's gasoline from the US.


El Pirata
Chevron across the street from the why not store was 4.39 a gallon and they sell beer unlike across the street.


As we all expect, gas pumps in Mx are a bit slower than stateside. We now have proof: yesterday while trying to get a fill in an older Ford, we had to leave it running due to a questionable battery. Couldn't get it full.


El Pirata
As we all expect, gas pumps in Mx are a bit slower than stateside. We now have proof: yesterday while trying to get a fill in an older Ford, we had to leave it running due to a questionable battery. Couldn't get it full.
Most locals order by a certain set of litros so the attendant sets it to that amount and the computer thinks it might be being checked for accuracy otherwise it will go to town on you.


Every. Single. State. Has seen average #gasprices drop from a monath ago. The biggest losers?
California -80c/gal
Arizona -68c/gal
Nevada -55c/gal
Washington -45c/gal
Michigan -44c/gal
Oklahoma -44c/gal
Utah -43c/gal
Oregon -40c/gal
Texas -39c/gal
Minnesota -39c/gal