So Jerry,
Good story.....................................for a change.
I can remember back in the fifties as a little twerp in Normal Heights, old times San Diego, watching my grandad and two or three of his Portuguese deck hands dragging a six hundred pounder from the back of his pickup up the concrete walk then using a wood block and tackle hoist it up on the roof beam in front of his house. Within minutes the whole neighborhood would be in line as he cut thick steaks from those six foot plus monsters and that paid for the diesel fuel for his jig boat. Other times it would be a Broadbill Swordfish or ten or twenty dozen Albacore.
Don't recall the name change from Black Sea Bass to "Giant Sea Bass". Obviously tied in to evil white folk and race-iz'm. Those fish do happen to be quite black as coal living or dead. White Sea Bass is OK I suppose.
Gone are the days...............