To paraphrase Dave Chapelle, when you see reverse racism it's "fucking beautiful". A week and a half ago we were down and had to go get some greenies from the ATM at Sonoran Sun I believe it is, West of Bella Sirena. We've been using their corner store recently. Every other time we've had to do the temp check and Claudia has had to walk through the sanitation tunnel to go in while I park. This time we said to use the store and the guy goes, you know where it's at? Yep! Just went and parked. No temp, no mask, no filter, no problem. As we're leaving some Mexicans were entering and they were getting the full cavity check and sanitation tunnel.
As to the question as it pertains to Sonoyta, WHO FUCKING KNOWS?! I would like to know because as we were in a 1 hour and 10 minute line we had them on our face like morons while every other person visible inside or outside a vehicle was not wearing one. I'm sure that was because everyone outside of the vehicles were connected. We politely told them no thank you 12 times to get shuttled to the front of the line for money. It's hard to play the game when you don't know the CURRENT guidelines...