Who was here in the beginning?


I mean PRIOR to the sale and shutdown? Anyone know when it actually first started and who started it?


El Pirata
I saw it maybe 1999, it was owned by a rental agency that sold it to another rental agency for 25k had some good info on fishing, then there was a fight over the happy javalina user name and here we are, history repeats itself.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
The site was originally started by Mike O'Neal and was primarily about fishing, but covered a few other topics as well. The forum software was ancient with little control of users or content. I was the original moderator.

The fishing forum was robust with lots of regular reports and good history of what you could expect to catch and when.

Mike offered to sell the domain to me for $30k, money I certainly didn't have at the time. Steve Schwab (Casago) ponied up and bought the original "rockypointonline" domain, then tried to turn it into a real estate site. Users left and the original domain crashed and burned, all the accumulated history was lost, which distressed me most about this transition.

Tyler stepped up graciously offered today's current domain and software. The site ran pretty well for a good period of time until the advent of Facebook and other social media platforms. Forums lost much of their appeal due to the wider use and more instant gratification of Facebook. This site became crickets chirping for weeks at a time with no new reports or activity.

Tyler updated the site and software and encouraged users to help support the site, which brings us to today.

Just something I've said before, but it bears repeating - over all these years, I have not put one slim dime in my pocket from my work here. The only reason I do it is a genuine love of Penasco, it's people, and enjoying days on the water chasing fish.

Although the Covid crisis has dampened a lot right now, my hope is we get back to some level of normal and we can all get back to the place we enjoy, regardless of how you choose to enjoy it.


I remember being a participant on 'rockypointonline' prior to sale to Steve Schwab. Stuart's memory surely is better than mine about the details of those early days but I recall a lot of negative comments about the way Schwab was operating his business. Name calling and such, not unlike today. He even posted to defend himself. It got pretty ugly and since he owned it and he felt it was hurting his business he simply killed the whole thing.
after it was gone I had private emails from a former member who put me on to the new forum started by Tyler. As Stu said all the information was lost, including participants, but somehow it grew back.
And yes I believe Facbook hurt as much as anything as well as all the rapidly growing web sites that have cropped up in a flavor to suit everyone's taste. But this site continues to be the easiest to use and the most generally informative, most of the time. You can still post a meaningful question and get a thoughtful meaningful answer.

I do hope the mindless viciousness that happens here does not hurt the forum and goes away, or at least compartmentalises itself as "Penasco's National Inquirer" or some such thread and then ban's any members who post in that thread talking sense, not attacking. Offering help, not making rude comments , stuff like that. In this manner you can enjoy that sort of stuff you love and enjpy and do not have to be bored about fishing questions, where to buy a sofa, who is the best MD,Favorite beer, etc. You can concentrate on developing the most down and dirty vicious manner of communication and have a ball doing it. You will have the power to eliminate what you do not want to hear about and can define topics as you wish with no complaints.

Jo buddy, we have been friends for a lot of years and have friends in common. Do a solid man. You can still post on fishing and whatever else. You have several members probably willing to go to that playground with you and any other current members who like to read your posts but not participate will have an outlet.


I remember being a participant on 'rockypointonline' prior to sale to Steve Schwab. Stuart's memory surely is better than mine about the details of those early days but I recall a lot of negative comments about the way Schwab was operating his business. Name calling, accusations and such, not unlike today. He even posted to defend himself. It got pretty ugly and since he owned it and he felt it was hurting his business he simply killed the whole thing.

You have already had one serious warning from Tyler. I would not want to be identified as a supporter of the stuff you guys like to play with either. Just a few key strokes and say bye bye. Is that what you guys are working toward?

After Schwab killed the forum I had private emails from a former member who put me on to the new forum started by Tyler. It was a huge benefit that Stu was still around. As Stu said all the early information was lost, including participants, but somehow it grew back.

And yes I believe Facbook hurt as much as anything as well as all the rapidly growing web sites that have cropped up in a flavor to suit everyone's taste. But this site continues to be the easiest to use and the most generally informative, most of the time. You can still post a meaningful question and get a thoughtful meaningful answer.

I do hope the mindless viciousness that happens here does not hurt the forum and goes away, or at least compartmentalises itself as "Penasco's National Inquirer" or some such thread and then ban's any members who post in that thread talking sense, not attacking. Offering help, not making rude comments , stuff like that. In this manner you can enjoy that sort of stuff you love and enjoy and do not have to be bored about fishing questions, where to buy a sofa, who is the best MD,Favorite beer, etc. You can concentrate on developing the most down and dirty vicious manner of communication and have a ball doing it. You will have the power to eliminate what you do not want to hear about and can define topics as you wish with no complaints.

Jo buddy, we have been friends for a lot of years and have friends in common. Do a solid man. You can still post on fishing and whatever else. You have several members probably willing to go to that playground with you and any other current members who like to read your posts but not participate will have an outlet. If you do, remember do not accept friendly posts.
I have been creeping on the forum since probably 2013 but didnt get an account till fairly recently. I learned alot about PP from all the threads and still do. I dont do facebook but the wife does and its kinda a contest who gets info on The Rock first! I usualy do! Thank You all for your contributions.


Steve Schwab certainly wasn't the only person who didn't like the truth that was being told about the developments and sales practices that were being used on retirees for instance, or just plain old rip-offs across the real estate community. There were a lot of people in the "market" in those days that didn't appreciate what was being said, and they made it known. I think you could, but I'm not absolutely sure if you could find that forum on one of his opening pages or not, but it was kind of like sitting in his living room telling him, Steve Schwab, that he's a shyster and why.

The old forum had connections. Feet and ears on the ground so to speak. People like Rosie and Jerry and many more. Our friends who rented, owned, or brought their trailer down were a big part of this forum in those days. That community as a whole had a wealth of information to share every day and year-round. Answered questions like, Hi, I just moved into my condo, can you tell me where I can buy some fresh fish? Or share that a terrible thing had just happened to them, life-changing. Someone stole the AC right out of their trailer. Or more likely a battery.

I've made some very good friends fool that I am on both.... Yes it is, that's bait


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Steve Schwab is not a bad guy, I know him personally. He's about rentals of existing condos/properties and serves the needs of many that just want the "Mexico" experience without shitting their life savings on a purchase themselves.

He's expanded and grown significantly throughout Mexico, Costa Rica, and other locations. I've rented in San Carlos many times through his rentals and never had an issue and enjoyed a great home for a week or two.

Kenny, you may have old issues with him, but trust me -- it's not who he is today and he's not trying to sell you a damn thing, other than finding you a vacation rental.

Yeah, Pigeon Coop Happy is rolling in his piss on the rock grave. It's Mexico. Even in Mazatlan the wife and I are swarmed by timeshare salespeople. It's the game. Steve isn't a player in that game and has done great building a very reliable service.

Sorry if I sound like a commercial, not meant to be that at all. Like you and others, I was more than skeptical back then. Shit's changed a lot in 20+ years. Last time I met with Steve in Penasco (last year) we had a great conversation. He is growing Casago to worldwide rental properties and on track to make it better than AirBnB. I wish him the best. There is a huge market (delayed due to Covid) for what he offers.

Peace, my brother. Things do change.


Steve Schwab has provided a lot to Penasco, including many jobs. I'd say his critics, most of whom seem to not have actually visited PP in a long time, and who have never owned property, are motivated by jealousy about his intelligence and ability to run businesses honestly, with no hint of scandals or stealing commissions, rents, insurance premiums, etc.


People who use property ownership in Mexico as a gauge of how much someone appreciates Mexico and it's people is a shallow self-centered human being.


I found the forum shortly before one of its many re-births, I'm guessing around 2008. At that time the Happy One was running amok spewing insults and nonsense. Stuart shut the forum down and re-booted it with some new, or newly enforced, rules, and probably accomplished some other objectives as well. At that time I knew much less about Rocky Point and ocean fishing than I know now, and I got a lot of useful information. There were several knowledgeable people contributing and happy to help.

As with all discussion forums, there's never been a shortage of obnoxious fools using keyboards to take out frustrations over how their lives are going, and some show no sign of ever having been to Rocky Point. But I'll keep coming back as long as it continues to offer something useful, which it does.

Sometimes I regret registering under my real name, which I've always done on all forums because I believe people should own what they say. Posting anonymously under pseudonyms provides a playground for misanthropes and misfits. With all of Facebook's problems, at least that venue doesn't make it easy to talk trash from behind a mask. But it's probably better I didn't choose anonymity for myself because it's kept me from contributing to the worst aspects of the forum. Others have said what I'm thinking and it's done no good, so why add my voice? Better not to get involved with them. You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Look for what's useful and ignore the rest.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I remember being a participant on 'rockypointonline' prior to sale to Steve Schwab. Stuart's memory surely is better than mine about the details of those early days but I recall a lot of negative comments about the way Schwab was operating his business. Name calling and such, not unlike today. He even posted to defend himself. It got pretty ugly and since he owned it and he felt it was hurting his business he simply killed the whole thing.
after it was gone I had private emails from a former member who put me on to the new forum started by Tyler. As Stu said all the information was lost, including participants, but somehow it grew back.
And yes I believe Facbook hurt as much as anything as well as all the rapidly growing web sites that have cropped up in a flavor to suit everyone's taste. But this site continues to be the easiest to use and the most generally informative, most of the time. You can still post a meaningful question and get a thoughtful meaningful answer.

I do hope the mindless viciousness that happens here does not hurt the forum and goes away, or at least compartmentalises itself as "Penasco's National Inquirer" or some such thread and then ban's any members who post in that thread talking sense, not attacking. Offering help, not making rude comments , stuff like that. In this manner you can enjoy that sort of stuff you love and enjpy and do not have to be bored about fishing questions, where to buy a sofa, who is the best MD,Favorite beer, etc. You can concentrate on developing the most down and dirty vicious manner of communication and have a ball doing it. You will have the power to eliminate what you do not want to hear about and can define topics as you wish with no complaints.

Jo buddy, we have been friends for a lot of years and have friends in common. Do a solid man. You can still post on fishing and whatever else. You have several members probably willing to go to that playground with you and any other current members who like to read your posts but not participate will have an outlet.
Out of respect for you Roberto I will stop.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Joe? Never stop. Just consider what's advice and what's opinion. Your advice is priceless. Your opinion, well.... not so much.

Same for all of us here. Love ya Man! No homo.


I first joined the site in about 2008 or so. I joined under a different “handle” then. This site was about the only place to find out what was going on in Penasco. I still read it daily and mostly just bite my tongue at a lot of the crap that is posted because I still get nuggets of info from time to time and have asked a few reference type questions (does anyone know someone who...) One of my pet peaves is when someone posts their opinion as though is is fact. That’s true for here or other sites I am on. I mostly just ignore it but once in awhile my frustration gets the best of my and I’ll respond to some of the posts by the idiots who seem to feel they have superior knowledge to the experts. I appreciate the folks here who share their knowledge of Penasco Even though we have been come since ‘79 I still do learn a lot. Thanks to those who share their experiences and knowledge. To those who post crap just to stir the pot, some part of me pities you. What a sad life.
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Joe Baby,
My intent was NOT to get you to stop posting anything you want here. .We all go after it sometimes when something bubbles over. If you say F*** You Bobo thats OK with me . It's that the fun between you two seems to infuse everything and gets tiresome for that reason. I was not joking about you guys starting your own thread and operating it as such. I bet you get some newbies. I know many regulars will peek over there periodically, just remember NO Positive Posts !! No crybabies allowed.
I'm sure Tyler and Stu have no objections but they are the bosses. I Know how much you enjoy trolling and would feel really badly if I did something to interfere with that. Take her to a private room and lash it out. She is scared of you and prolly won't follow and respond but it is worth a try. Just be careful, I really think she is an adolescent girl and may turn crybaby.

Love and Kisses Amigo Mio.
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