Doors: I need to have two 4’ X 8’ wood, full light doors built with internal screen doors. Anybody have a suggestion for someone to build these?
Really!The way things are now in Penasco, it would be easier to just get someone to steal some for you.
Fortelaza del Sol -- They have things in stock, as well as a catalog of standard items. In fact, I've taken in a drawing of a sideboard with dimensions and asked them to make it. Beautiful job. Did it again years later for a floating shelf unit. Beautiful job.check with the door builder by Burger King, He has doors sitting out side.
Actually we both mutilated the spelling. It is "Fortaleza (strength) Del Sol." Thanks for the relocation infoFortizola Del sol, moved from its old location, its north of town across from the old airport. They are good and can make anything with wood for you.
I've read there's a fire sale in Cholla Bay right now...The way things are now in Penasco, it would be easier to just get someone to steal some for you.