I agree... no one wins in a pissing match, and it won't make anything better...Now, now... things went awry and that's that.
~ ~ ~ You damn straight, ``` I'm an expert ! ! ! you ```NO COMMON SENSE GRINGO' ~ ~ ~I see, you are the expert from afar. What do you possibly have anything to do with this? Your yap is annoying to say the least. I picture you as a tiny football dog that deserves to have a boot kick as far up it as you could fly. Now run along boywonder before I get out my swatter. Make a donation or shut up.
Happy...I've had you on my blocked list so have not been subjected to seeing your mental hospital ramblings and rants of late....but...this one is another of your posts that takes the cake. You again have demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension!~ ~ ~ Good buddies, ~ ~ ~ you people make me laugh, ```all the cheerleaders & cotton candy peddlers of this here forum, are ALWAYS talking about, bragging about, how laid back it is in Penasco, ~ ~ ~ no rush, maybe "MANANA" ```tink so, maybe ok, mee no sabe, :lol: :lol: :lol:
~ ~ ~ welcome to Penasco,
~ ~ ~ Like the guy that says I'll be here @ 8:00 am, to paint your trailer, 5:00 pm, STILL no painter, ~ ~ ~ WELCOME TO PENASCO, ! ! !
~ ~ ~ Like the guy that says he'll be here @ 10:00 am to measure for your boat cover, 6:00 pm still NO measuring done, ~ ~ ~ WELCOME TO PENASCO, ! ! !
~ ~ ~ Like your auto mechanic that says bring your car @ 8:00 am, shop will be open, & @ 3:00 pm still no open shop, ~ ~ ~ WELCOME TO PENASCO ! ! !
~ ~ ~ So ```DON'T ``` go & start blaming the captain for this FIASCO ! ! !
```IF ``` there is someone to blame & I say ``` IF``` than it is the "ORGANIZER" he should have known of the conditions of the day before & called it off ~ ~ ~ or @ the very least, should have looked @ the sea conditions, ~ ~ ~ & there he would have seen just why the captain didn't show, ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ common sense dictates this ! ! !
~ ~ ~ & just what about all of the passengers ? ~ ~ ~ can't they see & read the sea conditions ? ~ ~ ~ this is not their first trip ! ! !
~ ~ ~ The ```ONLY ```smart one was the ```CAPTAIN ```WITH COMMON SENSE``` now why should he get up @ 5:00 am just to go & tell the ``` "GRINGOS" ``` & the ``` ORGANIZER ``` that don't have any common sense ``` thats it off, ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ So get useto it, ``` "GRINGOS" ``` thats the way it's done in your ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Laid back, tink so,``` "MANANA" ```cheerleading Penasco ! ! !
~ ~ ~ So ``` "WELCOME TO PENASCO' ``` :lol: :lol: :lol:
~ ~ ~ AND QUIT YOUR ~ ~ ~ :crybaby:ING ~ ~ ~ & YOUR :whine: ING ! ! !
Come on rocky,``` there's nothing wrong with my post #24, that you quoted, ~ ~ ~ & I didn't mean it in a harmful way, ~ ~ ~ thats just the way it went down, ~ ~ ~ everybody was quick to jump & blame the captain, ```well thats when I had to say something, ~ ~ ~ because it ```WASN'T ```the captain to blame ! ! ! ```& if you can read I DIDN'T blame anyone, ```Happy...I've had you on my blocked list so have not been subjected to seeing your mental hospital ramblings and rants of late....but...this one is another of your posts that takes the cake. You again have demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension!
Coming from someone who has sworn off coming to Penasco...for whatever assinine reason you may have, you sure do spend enough of your time on this forum. You just love making fun or ripping into others, but have extreme difficulty in taking it in return....indicated by your frequent "time outs", and bannings.
All you are is a troll...and an extremely ugly one!
~ ~ ~ "AMBASSADOR/PHOENIX REAL ESTATE" ~ ~ ~ WOW ! ! ! ~ ~ ~"You just love making fun or ripping into others, but have extreme difficulty in taking it in return....indicated by your frequent "time outs", and bannings."
Har Har! You got that right. A closet bully! ha ha, what a happy clown you are!
Nearly native to what? Uranus?
Read posts # 12, 19, 20 and 22 again..........
Happy....I wasn't there....so can't say who was "to blame"....but neither were you.....you did your typical "ASS"ume post....you never bothered to read the posts from people who were there and knew what had happened....either that, or your senile mind just lacks the ability to comprehend!Come on rocky,``` there's nothing wrong with my post #24, that you quoted, ~ ~ ~ & I didn't mean it in a harmful way, ~ ~ ~ thats just the way it went down, ~ ~ ~ everybody was quick to jump & blame the captain, ```well thats when I had to say something, ~ ~ ~ because it ```WASN'T ```the captain to blame ! ! ! ```& if you can read I DIDN'T blame anyone, ```
~ ~ ~ & don't give me that "can't take it BS" ``` the whole world see's here that I can take it ``` you be the one that "can't take it" ~ ~ ~ just have a look @ your post, you be a``` NASTY GUY ! ! ! ``` so jump off of that horse, it be getting OLD ! ! !
~ ~ ~ & don't give me that "blocked list" BS ```NOBODY buys into that ! ! ! knowing you ``` "you sure do spend enough of your time on this forum" ```~ ~ ~ you been sitting, hiding in the bushes, LURKING ! ! ! ```
~ ~ ~ & then to top it off a newbe "GRINGO" that doesn't have a clue about the sea, boating, or fishing in the Cortez,
~ ~ ~ Decides to strip off & take some "CHEAP SHOTS" ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ BTW rocky, ```does this mean that we are not friends anymore ? ? ? ``` cause if it did I just don't know what I
would do,
You talking to me porky?I see, you are the expert from afar. What do you possibly have anything to do with this? Your yap is annoying to say the least. I picture you as a tiny football dog that deserves to have a boot kick as far up it as you could fly. Now run along boywonder before I get out my swatter. Make a donation or shut up.
Hey playa...I don't think so....it's the usual "Happy" piss-o-rama....You talking to me porky?
~ ~ ~ rocky, BABY MONKEY ! ! ! ,Happy....I wasn't there....so can't say who was "to blame"....but neither were you.....you did your typical "ASS"ume post....you never bothered to read the posts from people who were there and knew what had happened....either that, or your senile mind just lacks the ability to comprehend!
As for "lurking"....you need to look up the definition....I am far from being a "lurker" on this Forum!
Then we get to the "newbie" who you are trying to skewer....he probably has a higher percentage of "USEFUL" posts on here than you!
So tell us Happy....why is it that you refuse to come to Penasco any more? Is it the buildup of condos on Sandy Beach, as you have claimed in previous posts....or some other reason, and you are just a crotchety, old, fart who can't stand to see other people enjoying themselves in Penasco?
Rick he did not say "mark we are not going to be able to go" he told me he would be there in an hour and a half... and you were not there and you weren't on the phone so why are you commenting??? all he had to do is answer the phone... and tell us that it wasn't going or show up like he said he was and tell us...canceling trips is the hardest part of our buiseness . we understand how much effort is involved in getting ready. i have seen alot of suncreen smeared all over kids and coolers full of sandwiches and myself had to cancel. i don't know how " mark we are not going to be able to go " got missunderstood. let's not make this worse than it allready was. sorry you did not make it to bird island .