Good for a laugh !


Was messaging a friend in AZ who has cancer. She sent me this message.

I’m sorry you’re going a bit batshit crazy. I can understand though! I had Dr appts and poison yesterday (chemo) and was excited to get to go just so I could see someone besides my lovely husband, and be somewhere OTHER THAN HERE!

It is definitely crazy-making!


I replied:
Yes the murder rate will be up as well as the divorce rate. Birthrate will be way up in 9 or 10 months as well !!


Lovin it in RP!
Was messaging a friend in AZ who has cancer. She sent me this message.

I’m sorry you’re going a bit batshit crazy. I can understand though! I had Dr appts and poison yesterday (chemo) and was excited to get to go just so I could see someone besides my lovely husband, and be somewhere OTHER THAN HERE!

It is definitely crazy-making!


I replied:
Yes the murder rate will be up as well as the divorce rate. Birthrate will be way up in 9 or 10 months as well !!
I heard that 13 years past next November will have a batch of 13 year olds known as quaranteeners