Thanks for the breath of fresh air on this brain dead site with your new post Joe!
As an over the hill boomer who happens to be a hard core racist white man who just loves other white people (females only), I do 100% approve of your work, intentions and photography. I will be holding my breath for the day when you try to pass me in my Ford Raptor out there in the El Desierto Altar at 100 mph. slinging fist sized bits of gravel into my already horribly self inflicted rock pitted/ cracked windshield.
As I mentioned in my last post we have temporarily relocated our off-road weekend ops to the area between Yuma and Gila Bend both south and north of the I-8 hwy. This weekend we will be raptor-izing north of the hwy from the old WW2 Geo. Patton training camp at Horn then up to the Palomas Mountain range to seek out members of the newly planted and recovering Sonoran Pronghorns just south of the King of Arizona mining area. From what I have read in the old-timey western stories they are the most excellent ready to bar-be-cue meat of all north American game.
Since all FUSA.Gov military operations on the US Army Proving Ground, US AF Goldwater and USMC range operations are on a total standstill, now is the perfect time to get out and appreciate OUR OWN LANDS, if you have the vehicle to do it! In the past six weeks we have never been approached by those asshole guardians of our own property.
When we do make contact with the Border Patrol we just TELL THEM where we are planning on going. Most of them are only concerned with well armed Mexicans leading groups of fifteen or more Chinese Fucking Wetback Soldiers that are now infiltrating our country from the southern border by the hundreds every day now. Any of you out there within reading distance of this really need to know these Chink Bastards are not screwing around. We are at war with them! They mean business and you are only a minor hic-up in their plans.
I'll get you an update upon returning to my compound later this weekend.