Inspections coming into town are thorough and extensive


This report from a friend who works in town and passes the inspection point on the Caborca highway daily.
She is required to have on a mask as she approaches the stop. Her temperature and a photograph is taken daily. She must show proof of residency. A record is made and kept of her daily passage. The stop is staffed by all of the enforcement agencies and the military.

The agents at the stop told her there was a family group of Mexican nationals who live in the US and who had no masks and could not provide identification or proof of residency in Penasco. They were turned back at the stop and drove away a short distance and pulled off the road. They parked for a bit until a large truck came and picked them up and they went off the road and around the barrier. They were observed and apprehended The stop was moved to preclude this occurring again. The stop is now south of the turn off to Caborca and the Caborca road is patrolled.

Penasco residents who pass the stop coming into to town are told they must be home quarantined for 14 days after arrival and that enforcement may make home inspection visits.

Clearly the government is taking the situation seriously. Good for them.

I was told, unconfirmed, also that people crossing into the US from Mexico may be quarantined on the US side.


Lovin it in RP!
This report from a friend who works in town and passes the inspection point on the Caborca highway daily.
She is required to have on a mask as she approaches the stop. Her temperature and a photograph is taken daily. She must show proof of residency. A record is made and kept of her daily passage. The stop is staffed by all of the enforcement agencies and the military.

The agents at the stop told her there was a family group of Mexican nationals who live in the US and who had no masks and could not provide identification or proof of residency in Penasco. They were turned back at the stop and drove away a short distance and pulled off the road. They parked for a bit until a large truck came and picked them up and they went off the road and around the barrier. They were observed and apprehended The stop was moved to preclude this occurring again. The stop is now south of the turn off to Caborca and the Caborca road is patrolled.Stop it before it gets here...makes sense to me

Penasco residents who pass the stop coming into to town are told they must be home quarantined for 14 days after arrival and that enforcement may make home inspection visits.

Clearly the government is taking the situation seriously. Good for them.

I was told, unconfirmed, also that people crossing into the US from Mexico may be quarantined on the US side.
This report from a friend who works in town and passes the inspection point on the Caborca highway daily.
She is required to have on a mask as she approaches the stop. Her temperature and a photograph is taken daily. She must show proof of residency. A record is made and kept of her daily passage. The stop is staffed by all of the enforcement agencies and the military.

The agents at the stop told her there was a family group of Mexican nationals who live in the US and who had no masks and could not provide identification or proof of residency in Penasco. They were turned back at the stop and drove away a short distance and pulled off the road. They parked for a bit until a large truck came and picked them up and they went off the road and around the barrier. They were observed and apprehended The stop was moved to preclude this occurring again. The stop is now south of the turn off to Caborca and the Caborca road is patrolled.

Penasco residents who pass the stop coming into to town are told they must be home quarantined for 14 days after arrival and that enforcement may make home inspection visits.

Clearly the government is taking the situation seriously. Good for them.

I was told, unconfirmed, also that people crossing into the US from Mexico may be quarantined on the US side.
Lots of hearsay and rumor in there. I wonder how much is actually true.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This report from a friend who works in town and passes the inspection point on the Caborca highway daily.
She is required to have on a mask as she approaches the stop. Her temperature and a photograph is taken daily. She must show proof of residency. A record is made and kept of her daily passage. The stop is staffed by all of the enforcement agencies and the military.

The agents at the stop told her there was a family group of Mexican nationals who live in the US and who had no masks and could not provide identification or proof of residency in Penasco. They were turned back at the stop and drove away a short distance and pulled off the road. They parked for a bit until a large truck came and picked them up and they went off the road and around the barrier. They were observed and apprehended The stop was moved to preclude this occurring again. The stop is now south of the turn off to Caborca and the Caborca road is patrolled.

Penasco residents who pass the stop coming into to town are told they must be home quarantined for 14 days after arrival and that enforcement may make home inspection visits.

Clearly the government is taking the situation seriously. Good for them.

I was told, unconfirmed, also that people crossing into the US from Mexico may be quarantined on the US side.
Damn! These are the aggressive measures I would have liked to have seen in Phoenix. +1 for Sonora and Puerto Penasco. Handling business like a boss! Hope this comment makes Russ happy.
I was stopped at checkpoint just south of the overpass on the main road this morning. Even after studying my residence card and CA DL they still wanted an electric bill, which was at home. They finally wrote my information down in a book and let me through. Also note that Bodega is letting “seniors“ in to buy groceries ONLY between 8 and 9. Yesterday Sam’s had no such restrictions. Town is on lockdown in a big way.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I was stopped at checkpoint just south of the overpass on the main road this morning. Even after studying my residence card and CA DL they still wanted an electric bill, which was at home. They finally wrote my information down in a book and let me through. Also note that Bodega is letting “seniors“ in to buy groceries ONLY between 8 and 9. Yesterday Sam’s had no such restrictions. Town is on lockdown in a big way.
Thanks for the ground report. WE ALL MISS ROCKY POINT RIGHT NOW!