A bit more info is needed on that statement. Here is a quote from the CDC response to the H1N1 flu in 2009.
"The agency said the first case was reported on April 15, 2009, and the government declared H1N1 a public health emergency on the April 26. The first test to detect the new virus was approved by the FDA two days later. Shipments of the new CDC test began May 1".
In a series of tweets, President Trump faulted former President Barack Obama's response to the H1N1 pandemic 11 years ago as his own administration faces scrutiny for its handling of the coronavirus.
It took Obama team 11 days to spring into action. (I'm not a big Obama fan either)
Current guy in charge was saying the CV-19 was just the flu in early Feb and by April it would be over,
NOT going to happen, it won't peak for 4-6 weeks? longer? Now 6 weeks later he changed his tune.
So compared to the 2009 we're still in the first couple of innings of the ball game. Swine flu, it took 16-18 months to run it's course
Only in 2012 did all the numbers get compiled together on how bad the 2009-10 Swine flu really was.