~ ~ ~ 85, If it is the one I remember, there were 4 in boat from Tucson, ```Jehovas Witnesses, don't know about that, ``` it was the captain,( owner of boat, ) his friend, a father & son, ```they were having problems w/boat dead batteries, & a couple other things, ```they were warned to NOT go out, ```went anyway & paid the price, ```the son is the one they found tied to the ice chest, he was in college, going to be married in a month, ``` they found one other one a couple weeks or three later, ```2/ never found, one of my mexican friends was one of the ones searching, found boat floating upside down ~ ~ ~ damn why do people take chances ????? ~ ~ ~ I've been sailing for more that 45yrs. ```& I don't take chances, ``` there is always another day, ~ ~ ~ in this case what they had was weekend, ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ However there is always the chance that a good day will go sour, ``` when I see that coming I'll get to about 100 yds. off shore, & try to wait it out, ``` if it gets worse, ```then I get ready to ( never had to do ) run it up on the beach, rocks or no rocks, period ~ ~ ~ better to break up a boat & get a little banged up ,~ ~ ~ than to send my wife & myself to Davies Locker ~ ~ ~