Hobie Vern
Anyone been to PDO lately? Has the WiFi gotten any better?
I have one neighbor in Cholla who gets 5-7 Mbps and another literally 100 feet away on the same wire feed and closerMy internet has always been fine with TelMex.....
I hooked up an router ( Wavelink 1200ac $30 on Amazon) to the cheap modem/router that was installed for my service and it actuallySon who is an EE told me you cannot INCREASE the signal that comes to you. The so called boosters do help spread the signal but do not increase the speed. So if say you got a choppy signal in the bedroom and plugged in one of the boosters you would probably get a better signal but no stronger than at the modem. Most use the wiring in the house as an antenna.
Hola, I have never tested my speed but Naomi and I watch nothing but Internet TV like Youtube and Netflix.....it never buffers, it is smooth and with the exceptions of storms we have never had service ----well there was a month I forgot pay my 399 peso bill and we were cut for a day....I have one neighbor in Cholla who gets 5-7 Mbps and another literally 100 feet away on the same wire feed and closer
to the Telmex box who get's 1-1.5 Mbps.
Trying to stream at anything below 3 Mbps is only OK at best.
I'm on the dish based service Aron Brown is running in Cholla and I am getting 5-7 Mbps and streaming is OK with some buffering.
Telmex isn't an option in Cholla now for new customers ( I was told that last year at the Telmex office)
Russ since you live in town much closer to Telmex have you ever tested your Internet speed? I'm curious about the speeds in town. Thx