Dog Health Certificates

I recently heard that Mexico has changed the health certificate requirements for bring pets in. Does anyone have any information on that and what is happening at the border in that regard?
There was something on FB about it. Go there and do a search for Mexico heath cert PDF. Fill it out with you pet's info from your US doc's.
I have it somewhere, if you can't find it let me know and I'll search for it.

Terry C

To bad this isn't facebook they would tell you dogs need a passport and don't let them drink and drive and don't drink the water!!! :confused:
Last month we got asked for our papers, showed them the rabies certificate, and were on our way.
Rabies certificate for our pets is the only thing we have ever had to show the Mexican agents. For a few years they wanted a copy of my drivers license and took a picture of my pets
for their files.
Thing is, it doesn't make sense to request a health certificate, which are only good for (something like) 30 days. So those of us who visit every (something like) 30 days would have to visit a vet and pay for a certificate for every trip. Would be tourism shooting tourism in foot and reloading.


I carry his vaccination and yearly health certificate just in case. The certificate has his picture. He is 10 lbs so they did ask for it. But when I had my 70 lbs Blue Heeler, they waved me thru. Nobody wanted to get too near him.
When they stop us I automatically hand them the Rabies Certificate. When I pack the PU I start with the wine, my beer, dog food, and no no meats. On top of that, the clothing and misc stuff packed tight against the doors and the 40 lb dog on top of all of it. If they ask to open the door I say no as the stuff will fall out. I open a window and with the dog they just take a quick look. If I have a boat they are more interested in the papers for it. As always Smile and be Nice.
I carry his vaccination and yearly health certificate just in case. The certificate has his picture. He is 10 lbs so they did ask for it. But when I had my 70 lbs Blue Heeler, they waved me thru. Nobody wanted to get too near him.
So what is a yearly health certificate and where do you obtain it? My vet doesn't even know about such a thing.