Guess She's Too Busy For Us!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Plodding my way through traffic this morning up the 51, I hear none other than Ms. Rosie Glover on the news station KFYI prognosticating on what a good Spring Break Penasco will have this year. No mention of the recent shooting (of course), but basically that the weather is looking fantastic and a good crowd is expected. You go, girl! :wink:


Still see advertisements for Safeway down in Tucson...People are still shopping at Chandler Fashion square ...Maybe they should put a billboard up in front of every bank that has ever been robbed or every Circle K that has had a beer run....Oh wait that was a person shot at a 7-11 this morning. The violence is everywhere. Per capita Mexico is still safer than the U.S.


AKA Carnac
I wish somebody in Penasco could convince the the new owners to please train some snipers and quit spraying the streets.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Still see advertisements...
It wasn't an advertisement; although it might as well have been. It was during an actual news broadcast. Kind of left me scratching my head, actually. Here's why: There has not been a single mention of the shooting at the car show in the US media that I've seen or heard anywhere. It's like the media is deliberately not reporting it. However, the media is reporting how a great turnout is expected for Rocky Point. Also saw our good friend Steve Schwab very recently reporting a similar message on the evening news. This is SO unlike the typical "Mexico is unsafe" message the US media constantly puts out in print, over the airwaves, etc., in fact, it's the opposite for a change!

Bill - you crack me up!! The reason they use machine guns is that at least they stand a chance of hitting SOMETHING that way! Hahaha!!

I'm not trying to be "doom and gloom" here at all. I hope it's the biggest Spring Break in years! The town truly needs it! I'm also hoping that the idiots with the AK-47s conduct their business OUTSIDE of town while Spring Break is going on. A repeat of the car show shooting during Spring Break will be waaaaay more than a PR disaster, it will be a death knell.


AKA Carnac
Thats, probably true 50 to 100 rounds at close range at the police chief and only hit 6 times, thats pretty bad.


LAG brought up a good point get snipers to take out the bad guys then know one would know who they are so their families would not have to fear about retaliation.
Is the Malecon freaking PAVED yet or what?!?!? Why can't I get a straight answer on this?
The word this past weekend was that the mayor promised that the street would be finished within 3 weeks (just in time for Semana Santa)....but obviously not for spring break. It was still closed off, and they had not finished the curbs (that's been taking 2 weeks now)!!!
It wasn't an advertisement; although it might as well have been. It was during an actual news broadcast. Kind of left me scratching my head, actually. Here's why: There has not been a single mention of the shooting at the car show in the US media that I've seen or heard anywhere. It's like the media is deliberately not reporting it. However, the media is reporting how a great turnout is expected for Rocky Point. Also saw our good friend Steve Schwab very recently reporting a similar message on the evening news. This is SO unlike the typical "Mexico is unsafe" message the US media constantly puts out in print, over the airwaves, etc., in fact, it's the opposite for a change!

Bill - you crack me up!! The reason they use machine guns is that at least they stand a chance of hitting SOMETHING that way! Hahaha!!

I'm not trying to be "doom and gloom" here at all. I hope it's the biggest Spring Break in years! The town truly needs it! I'm also hoping that the idiots with the AK-47s conduct their business OUTSIDE of town while Spring Break is going on. A repeat of the car show shooting during Spring Break will be waaaaay more than a PR disaster, it will be a death knell.
I thought the car show went on in the Playa Bonita overflow rv park across the street....the cars that were shot up were at the corner of Calle 13 on the way to Balboas/marina/navy base.

Although it is weird that there has not been anything in the Phoenix news.........
The word this past weekend was that the mayor promised that the street would be finished within 3 weeks (just in time for Semana Santa)....but obviously not for spring break. It was still closed off, and they had not finished the curbs (that's been taking 2 weeks now)!!!
OK, so the Malecon is closed off for Spring Break week? This is ridiculous.
OK, so the Malecon is closed off for Spring Break week? This is ridiculous.
It's worth checking out when you hit town, in case they do open the is available to foot traffic.

You should talk to the'll get some interesting comments on what they think of the whole affair!!!!
I wanted to hit up Vina del Mar when I roll into town on Sunday. I know it's a one-way (going the opposite way) for the majority of that path...Is there a way to park anywhere near there? A walk through the Malecon is fun, but damn, that's quite a hike!
You can still get in to Vina Del Mar.....take the street that runs by the Thrifty Ice's 2 way all the way to the hotel.

Check out this map link...,+mexico&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Puerto+Pe%C3%B1asco,+Sonora,+Mexico&gl=us&ll=31.303058,-113.549141&spn=0.005711,0.01134&z=17 If you turn left at the return street (from Friendly Dolphin)..and go up Ignacio Zaragoza...on to 10 de Julio....that will take you past the church/Thrifty Ice Cream all the way to Vina Del Mar.


Lovin it in RP!
It wasn't an advertisement; although it might as well have been. It was during an actual news broadcast. Kind of left me scratching my head, actually. Here's why: There has not been a single mention of the shooting at the car show in the US media that I've seen or heard anywhere. It's like the media is deliberately not reporting it. However, the media is reporting how a great turnout is expected for Rocky Point. Also saw our good friend Steve Schwab very recently reporting a similar message on the evening news. This is SO unlike the typical "Mexico is unsafe" message the US media constantly puts out in print, over the airwaves, etc., in fact, it's the opposite for a change!

Bill - you crack me up!! The reason they use machine guns is that at least they stand a chance of hitting SOMETHING that way! Hahaha!!

I'm not trying to be "doom and gloom" here at all. I hope it's the biggest Spring Break in years! The town truly needs it! I'm also hoping that the idiots with the AK-47s conduct their business OUTSIDE of town while Spring Break is going on. A repeat of the car show shooting during Spring Break will be waaaaay more than a PR disaster, it will be a death knell.
Might be time to back up just a bit ese' imho There is no reason for the US media to explore Penascos problem anymore than the Mexican media probing everything that happens in Phoenix or Tucson. Rosie is doing a good job under tough circumstances so just back off por favor. Dont try to start something when there is nothing to fuel it. It sounds like you are hoping for a disaster instead of a solution.........easy out - no? Go ahead and delete my if you dont like it thats ok!


I heard that on the radio this morning as well. First thing I thought was, Good job Rosie for getting a positive preemptive strike in, on the negative publicity that is sure to come up any day now about spring break.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Even when I say something POSITIVE you take as a neg, Russ??? Hey, I miss Rosie posting on here... that's the only neg to the whole thing!!


Lovin it in RP!
Then simply say that you miss her contribution but please dont imply that she is not up to the job or that she has an agenda. She will get mad for me posting this but I stand up for her because of the hard job she has. Reality versus perception and all the things that go between is a hard place to navigate.

On a earlier comment in this thread the Tucson shooting came up, Giffords was an innocent victim (by all accounts that I have heard) the other 5 were as innocent as well. I think it is safe to say this guy who got it in Penasco was not so....
Perception tells you its ok to go to Tucson even though a MASS murder took place there, that same perception tells you its not ok to come to Penasco cause a bad guy got killed////same perception, different reality. There are two side to this and every story out there and if you tell one you have to tell both, sometimes its better to say nada nada enchilada
Just a comment on not seeing anything in the Phoenix news media on the shooting....almost a week later. Does anyone believe that they are not aware of the situation.....regardless of how incompetent the Republic or some of the news stations are? I don't usually espouse most "conspiracy" theories....but is it just possible that the media is waiting for the last possible moment to break the that there is no possible response.....and the result being the killing of spring break and what little remains of the local economy????